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Project structure

Sven Loesekann edited this page Feb 5, 2018 · 5 revisions

Project details

The project is a simple carrental app that shows some features of Maven, Angular, Angular Cli and Java EE 6. It is a maven multi module project with ear, ejb and war modules.

The ear module is for packaging an ear that can be deployed.

The ejb module serves the data to the rest service. The service has its annotated dtos, a logging interceptor and ejbs to serve the data.

The war module has the rest service and the ui. The rest service is done with jax-rs.

The 2 services are in the model package and inject the ejb and send out the dtos as json. Cors needs to be disabled for requests from localhost because the requests are from Angular Cli. Browser caching needs to be disabled and that is done with an interceptor.

The ui is in the directory src/main/angular/carrental. It was generated by Angular Cli and uses Angular Cli to be build a production bundle. Angular Cli can help you with generating projects and parts of your project. The structure of the directory is defined by Angular Cli. The ui can be found in the src directory. The dependencies are in the node_modules directory they are needed for the Typescript compiler. To translate Angular Translate is used. The files are in the locale directory. If webstorm is used you edit the files in the carrental directory with webstorm. Webstorm can understand the Angular Cli project structure on work on it. To check in you use eclipse. To have one checkin for the war project.

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