Implementation of MovieBluff to Restful API
This server takes a request in JSON format with movie name, movie rating, watched status and watched date as attributes and saves it in database.
Create, Read, Update, Delete operations can be performed by sending GET, POST, PUT and Delete requests\n Or by starting the server opening the link in browser we can handle all the operations( djangorestframework will handle rendering )
- movie name (max 256 charachters)
- movie rating (WORSE = 1, BAD = 2, AVERAGE = 3, GOOD = 4, EXCELLENT = 5)
- movie watched status (True or False)
- movie watched date (if included then included date else current date)
Install python 3.5 and then install packages with commans pip install -r requirements.txt
- Python=3.5 or above
- certifi==2016.2.28
- Django==2.0.2
- djangorestframework==3.7.7
- pytz==2018.3
- wincertstore==0.2
- Clone the repository
- Install python and other requirements
- run
python makemigrations
andpython migrate
in project directory to start the database with the model configuration - start the server with
python runserver
command to start the server - open the link address in browser to start using the API
- Anish Reddy Ravula - Initial work - AnishReddyRavula