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Blockchain Labs @ IBM Open Breakfast Blockchain Club

This master branch of the repository has been prepared for Blockchain Labs @ Berlin Technical University.

Lab Notes:

The IP address and your private key for your Ubuntu on IBM Z instance for the remaining workshop labs will be given to you by your lab instructor. These labs are being brought to you by IBM LinuxONE Community Cloud - anyone can sign up and have an access to the Linux on Z virtual server. You can find more details here:

Your userid for your Ubuntu on IBM Z instance is ubuntu. You should not have to enter a password to log in to your instance.

How to login to your Linux server:

From Windows Command line (first make sure that you have putty.exe installed), note that .pek should be used as your key: putty.exe ssh -i .ppk ubuntu@<your_IP>

Or use the Putty's GUI

You can always sign up for LinuxONE Community Cloud and work from your personal workstation. Here's a command for you if you are working on Mac or Linux - from the terminal:

ssh -i .pem ubuntu@<your_IP>

Almost all cases where you should enter commands on the command line will be formatted like this. In many cases the command to be entered is followed by output from that command. It should be clear what the command is and what the output is but if not ask an instructor for help. In most cases the command prompt is shown- make sure you do not copy the command prompt into the clipboard- just copy the command. Ask an instructor for help if necessary.

In every case where you are asked to enter a command, the command is on a single line, and the entire command may not be visible on your screen. If you wish to copy and paste the command, and it looks like the command may not be completely visible hold the mouse and sweep to the right and you can pick up the entire command. If you do this, make sure you don't accidentally "over-select" and accidentally copy some of the command output.

Within a PuTTY session, you can paste the clipboard's contents by right-clicking the mouse. This will insert the clipboard contents where your cursor is within the PuTTY session.

IBM Open Breakfast Club