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Sending WhatsApp Messages

aryan edited this page Nov 13, 2021 · 23 revisions
sendwhatmsg(phone_no: str, message: str, time_hour: int, time_min: int, wait_time: int = 15, tab_close: bool = False, close_time: int = 3) -> None

This function is used to send WhatsApp messages to a particular number at a time given by the user. The time should be given in 24 hour format. The tab_close parameter specifies whether the tab should we closed after sending the message or not. You can control the time after which the tab should be closed by specifying the close_time parameter (in seconds).

Example: pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg("+910123456789", "Hello", 12, 12, 30)

sendwhatmsg_to_group(group_id: str, message: str, time_hour: int, time_min: int, wait_time: int = 15, tab_close: bool = False, close_time: int = 3) -> None

This function is used to WhatsApp messages to a group. The Group ID here is something that you can find in the group invite link.
For example in, AB123CDEFGHijklmn is the Group ID. Please note the only the group admin can provide you with the Group Invite Link. The tab_close parameter specifies that whether the tab should be closed or not after sending the message. You can control the time after which the tab is closed by specifying the close_time parameter (in seconds).

Example: pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg_to_group("AB123CDEFGHijklmn", "hello", 12, 12, 30, True, 5)

In the above example, the tab will be closed in 5 seconds after the message has been delivered.

sendwhatmsg_instantly(phone_no: str, message: str, wait_time: int = 15, tab_close: bool = False, close_time: int = 3) -> None

This function is used to send the message instantly. The tab_close parameter specifies that whether the tab should be closed or not after sending the message.

Example: pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg_instantly("+911234567890", "hello", 15, True, 4) (Closes the tab in 4 seconds after the message has been delivered)

pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg_instantly("+911234567890", "hello", 15) (Doesn't close the tab after the message has been delivered)

sendwhats_image(receiver: str, img_path: str, caption: str = "", wait_time: int = 15, tab_close: bool = False, close_time: int = 3) -> None

This function is used to send Images and GIF's to WhatsApp users. For Linux based distributions you need copyq installed on your system. The caption parameter is used to specify the text that is to be sent with the Image. You can also leave it to its default value.

NOTE: Windows users can send Images (all formats) and GIF's. For Linux based distributions, only JPEG and PNG are supported. For MacOS users, only JPEG is supported currently.

Example: pywhatkit.sendwhats_image("+911234567890", "C:\\Image.png", "Here is the image", 10, True, 5)

In the above example, the tab will be closed in 5 seconds after the image has been delivered.

You can use it to send Images to Group also.

Example: pywhatkit.sendwhats_image("AB123CDEFGHijklmn", "C:\\Image.png", "Here is the image", 10)

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