✅ HTML/CSS/JS/jQuery
✅ FrontEnd Frameworks: Bootstrap/Foundation
✅ MongoDB with ORM: Mongo Driver,Mongoose, MongoJS
✅ CouchDB
✅ EJS/ Pug/ Handlebars Template Engines
✅ User Authentication: Passport & Bcrypt
✅ MEAN Stack
✅ Socket.io
✅ Firebase
✅ Redis Database and Cache System
💡 Basic Webserver
💡 PC Repair Website
💡 Todo app using MongoDB and Mongo Driver
💡 SportsBlog using Mongoose and Node
💡 User Login App with Passport, BcryptJS and express-validator
💡 MEAN Stack Application - ClientKeeper App
💡 Job Board with MEAN.js generator
💡 MovieBase Kraken App - Extra layer over Express to build better MVC design pattern adhering applications
💡 Instagram Clone and working with Instagram API
💡 Bizlist - A business listing application using CouchDB
💡 Redis Storefinder - Storefinder using Redis and Google Geocode