This shows an exemplary way to read CMS Open Data MiniAOD, and end up with parquet files containing the data in the form of awkward arrays. This is a storage-friendly alternative to just saving in numpy / pandas etc. which would already fill empty or non-existing features (varying number of particles per event...) by padding with some placeholder value to create flat tuples.
Running on OpenData requires at least some CMS-software release to read and process the samples, packed in a virtual machine or from /cvmfs, if you have access. Then convert them to easier-to-process root-files, and make them usable by any deep learning framework.
Tested (local + batch system) at RWTH HPC (CLAIX), tested local setup at lx3agpu.
The magic that needs to be done first:
source /cvmfs/
cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_30
cd CMSSW_10_6_30/src/
git cms-init
git cms-merge-topic 39040
git clone -b master [email protected]:ErUM-AISafety/OpenNano.git PhysicsTools/OpenNano
scram b -j 18
(If you encounter problems with cloning via ssh, either setup an ssh-key between the device and, or try https instead, for the latter, replace [email protected]:
Using cmsRun on a "non-official" site though means a local site-configuration is necessary. Let's trick cmsRun
to think we are an actual site, despite working locally (getting lucky is not a crime, there appears to be a config for RWTH-HPC already):
mkdir -p /home/um106329/BMBF_AISafety/OpenDataAISafety/CMS/CMSSW_10_6_30/src/SITECONF/local/JobConfig
cp /cvmfs/ /home/um106329/BMBF_AISafety/OpenDataAISafety/CMS/CMSSW_10_6_30/src/SITECONF/local/JobConfig
export CMS_PATH=/home/um106329/BMBF_AISafety/OpenDataAISafety/CMS/CMSSW_10_6_30/src
scram b -j 18
(kudos to which is a similar use case). Of course you need to modify these paths for your own filesystem.
No conda setup yet? Then do
We will need to use some conda environment containing relevant packages. The full suite is delivered with the repository and can be installed like so:
conda env create -f env.yml
Optional for CMS-members:
Optional (e.g. as CMS-member, not necessary at all): With the help of a conda environment and your certificate .pem in the
directory, create a proxy (e.g.voms-proxy-init --voms cms --vomses .grid-security/vomses --valid=192:00
) and copy the proxy into some accessible directory (cp /tmp/x509up_u40434 /home/um106329/BMBF_AISafety/OpenDataAISafety/CMS
). This would allow you to use the framework also for official samples.
Problems with that? Do
mkdir ~/.grid-security cp -r /cvmfs/ ~/.grid-security cp -r /cvmfs/ ~/.grid-security/
Now assume there already is a MiniAOD file (after doing xrdcp
, or if you used the https-option of the opendata-client).
Example: xrdcp root:// /home/um106329/BMBF_AISafety/OpenDataAISafety/CMS/CMSSW_10_6_30/src/PhysicsTools/OpenNano/test/tt_miniaod.root
Then one can finally do: --python_filename --eventcontent NANOAODSIM --datatier NANOAODSIM \
--fileout file:custom_tt_nanoaod.root --conditions 102X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v8 --step NANO \
--filein file:tt_miniaod.root --era Run2_25ns,run2_nanoAOD_106X2015 --no_exec --mc -n 100 \
--customise PhysicsTools/OpenNano/opennano_cff.Opennano_customizeMC_allPF_add_CustomTagger_and_Truth
and voilà: cmsRun
finally works, also inside a SLURM job.
The output of the previous step (a NanoAOD-like root-file) can be further processed, examples provided in test/
It's convenient to have a set of files to run over, stored in a .txt file. Use something similar to that:
xrdfs ls /eos/opendata/cms/mc/RunIIFall15MiniAODv2/TTToSemiLeptonic_13TeV-powheg/MINIAODSIM/PU25nsData2015v1_76X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v12_ext1-v1/00000 > samples_MiniAOD/ttsemi.txt
Some hints: the running number 00000 is not necessarily the only one, look for the next ones in line like 00001... and if you want, concatenate them together into a super-txt file containing more than 1K lines / filepaths.
Now one would like to do all those steps without manually pasting such commands for every file. That's what sbatch test/
is for. A set of filelists can be stored in samples_MiniAOD
for that purpose. And because OpenData does not require authentication as CMS member, this will even work without the active proxy. When running over a new kind of dataset, make sure to call the correct path to the .txt
and also give it a new name (directory) to store the resulting files.