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Anselmoo committed Jan 22, 2025
1 parent 4011a88 commit df33ea3
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Showing 2 changed files with 7,258 additions and 127 deletions.
237 changes: 110 additions & 127 deletions pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
name = "SpectraFit"
version = "1.1.0"
version = "1.2.0"
description = "Fast fitting of 2D- and 3D-Spectra with established routines"
authors = [{ name = "Anselm Hahn", email = "[email protected]" }]
requires-python = ">=3.8,<3.13"
readme = ""
authors = ["Anselm Hahn <[email protected]>"]
maintainers = ["Anselm Hahn <[email protected]>"]
license = "BSD-3-Clause"
repository = ""
documentation = ""
homepage = ""
maintainers = [{ name = "Anselm Hahn", email = "[email protected]" }]
keywords = [
Expand All @@ -30,114 +28,73 @@ classifiers = [
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12",
# "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.13",
"Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython",
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics",
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Chemistry",
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis",
include = [
# { path = "spectrafit/test/", format = "sdist" },
{ path = "examples/", format = "sdist" },
{ path = "spectrafit/plugins/img/SpectraFit.png", format = "sdist" },
dependencies = [
"pandas<2.2.1 ; python_version < '3.9'",
"pandas>=2.2.2,<3 ; python_version >= '3.9'",
"numpy<1.26.4 ; python_version < '3.9'",
"numpy>=1.26.4,<2 ; python_version >= '3.9'",
"scikit-learn<1.5.0 ; python_version < '3.9'",
"scikit-learn>=1.5.0,<2 ; python_version >= '3.9'",
"scipy>=1.10.1,<2 ; python_version < '3.9'",
"scipy>=1.13.0,<2 ; python_version >= '3.9'",
exclude = ["docs/", "tools/", "spectrafit/test/", "spectrafit/**/test/"]

python = ">=3.8,<3.13"
lmfit = "^1.2.2"
pandas = [
{ version = "<2.2.1", markers = "python_version < '3.9'" },
{ version = "^2.2.2", markers = "python_version >= '3.9'" },
numpy = [
{ version = "<1.26.4", markers = "python_version < '3.9'" },
{ version = "^1.26.4", markers = "python_version >= '3.9'" },
emcee = "^3.1.2"
tabulate = "^0.9.0"
PyYAML = "^6.0"
openpyxl = "^3.0.9"
seaborn = "^0.13.0"
numdifftools = "^0.9.41"
tqdm = "^4.64.0"
scikit-learn = [
{ version = "<1.5.0", markers = "python_version < '3.9'" },
{ version = "^1.5.0", markers = "python_version >= '3.9'" },
jupyter = [
art = ">=5.8,<7.0"
tomli = "^2.0.1"
tomli-w = "^1.0.0"
pydantic = "^2.7.0"
scipy = [
{ version = "^1.10.1", markers = "python_version < '3.9'" },
{ version = "^1.13.0", markers = "python_version >= '3.9'" },
jupyterlab = { version = ">=3.5.2,<5.0.0", optional = true }
plotly = { version = "^5.21.0", optional = true }
itables = { version = "^2.1.1", optional = true }
kaleido = [
{ version = "^0.2.1", markers = "python_version < '3.9'" },
{ version = "^0.4.1", markers = "python_version >= '3.9'" },
dtale = { version = "^3.9.0", optional = true }
networkx = { extras = ["all"], version = "^3.0", optional = true }
pydot = { version = "^3.0.0", optional = true }
jupyter-dash = { version = "^0.4.2", optional = true }
ipywidgets = { version = "^8.0.4", optional = true }
dash-bootstrap-components = { version = "^1.3.0", optional = true }
dash-bootstrap-templates = [
{ version = "<=1.1.2", markers = "python_version < '3.10'" },
{ version = "^1.2.0", markers = "python_version >= '3.10'" },
python-pptx = { version = ">=0.6.22,<1.1.0", optional = true }

mypy = "^1.9.0"
black = { extras = ["jupyter"], version = "^24.0" }
pre-commit = [
{ version = "<=3.7.1", markers = "python_version < '3.9'" },
{ version = "^3.7.1", markers = "python_version >= '3.9'" },
jupyter-dash = [
pytest = ">=7.1.3,<9.0.0"
pytest-clarity = "^1.0.1"
pytest-cov = ">=3,<7"
pytest-console-scripts = "^1.3.1"
pytest-xdist = ">=2.5,<4.0"
pytest-plt = "^1.1.0"
pytest-mock = "^3.10.0"
types-toml = "^0.10.8"
types-PyYAML = "^6.0.11"
types-tabulate = ">=0.8.11,<0.10.0"
types-mock = ">=4.0.15,<6.0.0"
dash = { extras = ["testing"], version = "^2.7.1" }
bandit = "^1.7.5"
bump-pydantic = "^0.8.0"
types-setuptools = ">=,<"
ruff = "^0.9.0"

mkdocs-material = "^9.5.0"
mkdocstrings = { extras = ["python"], version = ">=0.26.0,<0.28.0" }
mkdocs-literate-nav = ">=0.4.1,<0.7.0"
mkdocs-section-index = "^0.3.4"
mkdocs-autorefs = "^1.0.1"
mkdocs-minify-plugin = "^0.8.0"
mkdocs-jupyter = [
{ version = "<=0.25.0", markers = "python_version < '3.9'" },
{ version = "^0.25.0", markers = "python_version >= '3.9'" },
graph = ["networkx>=3.0.0,<4", "pydot>=3.0.0,<4"]
all = [
mkdocs-table-reader-plugin = "^3.0.0"
mike = "^2.0.0"
jupytext = "^1.14.5"
mathjax = "^0.1.2"

requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
Homepage = ""
Repository = ""
Documentation = ""
Changelog = ""
Issues = ""

spectrafit = "spectrafit.spectrafit:command_line_runner"
spectrafit-file-converter = "spectrafit.plugins.file_converter:command_line_runner"
spectrafit-data-converter = "spectrafit.plugins.data_converter:command_line_runner"
Expand All @@ -148,44 +105,70 @@ spectrafit-rixs-visualizer = "spectrafit.plugins.rixs_visualizer:command_line_ru
spectrafit-jupyter = ""
spectrafit-pptx-converter = "spectrafit.plugins.pptx_converter:command_line_runner"

jupyter = ["jupyterlab", "plotly", "itables", "kaleido", "dtale", "python-pptx"]
jupyter-dash = [
dev = [
"pre-commit<=3.7.1 ; python_version < '3.9'",
"pre-commit>=3.7.1,<4 ; python_version >= '3.9'",
graph = ["networkx", "pydot"]
all = [
docs = [
"mkdocs-jupyter<=0.25.0 ; python_version < '3.9'",
"mkdocs-jupyter>=0.25.0,<0.26 ; python_version >= '3.9'",

default-groups = ["dev", "docs"]

include = ["examples/", "spectrafit/plugins/img/SpectraFit.png"]
exclude = ["docs/", "tools/", "spectrafit/test/", "spectrafit/**/test/"]

exclude = ["docs/", "tools/", "spectrafit/test/", "spectrafit/**/test/"]

requires = ["hatchling"]
build-backend = ""

fixable = ["ALL"]
extend-ignore = ["E721", "E731"]

script_launch_mode = "subprocess"

minversion = "7.0"
addopts = "--cov=./spectrafit/ --cov-report=xml:coverage.xml --diff-symbols --plots -vv"
testpaths = ["spectrafit"]

plugins = ["pydantic.mypy", "numpy.typing.mypy_plugin"]
follow_imports = "silent"
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