Very basic CLI using STM32L073 Nucleo-64 board (NUCLEO-L073RZ) - Non RTOS
Demonstrates the use of the STM32 HAL UART code using interrupts.
STM32-HAL L0 V1.10.0
STM32-CubeMX V5.0.0
Atollic TrueSTUDIO for STM32 9.1.0
- Toggles the LED and prints a message
- Reset the MCU
A single character is handled each time in the UART receive interrupt, on overflow or end of message '\r' the UART interrupts are disabled and a flag is set for the main application to pick up on.
Once the main code has dealt with the command / error it once again enables the UART interrupts.
This project isn't written to be used with an RTOS, that will be a seperate project.
Using the default solder bridge settings of the Nucleo board, with UART2 connected through the ST-LINK Virtual COM port.
Open a terminal (115200, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control)