CampBook is an ideal project of combining some aspects of social media into camping
Here is the test product
It is created using some dependencies and APIs. This project shows a frontend and backend work of a developer.
Express, NodeJs (Node_modules) are the main languages of this project.
Database is purely MongoDB.
API integration is implemented to pull weather information, news and google map.
Images are saved in cloudinary and URLs are passed to the DB project.
The project has dependecies of express, coudinary, ejs, espress-session, formidable, method-override, mongoose, passport, passport-local-mongoose,unirest.
NPM i express mongoose ejs
const express = require("express"),
mongoose = require("mongoose"),
ejs = require("ejs");
const app = express();
Follow NPM installation to install all dependencies
- Anteneh T Yalew
This project is a personal project and does not have a license