This library is an attempt to implement the entire Somfy API in Python 3. Documentation for the Somfy API can be found here.
- Vist
- Create an account
- Open the My Apps menu
- Add a new App (for testing, redirect url can be anything in https)
- Plug in your details into the test script below.
Somfy currently exposes the following type of devices:
If you find on this page devices not yet handle by this repository, don't hesitate to open an issue.
pip install pymfy
Print all covers name.
import os
import json
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
from pymfy.api.devices.roller_shutter import RollerShutter
from pymfy.api.somfy_api import SomfyApi
from pymfy.api.devices.category import Category
client_id = r'<CLIENT_ID>' # Consumer Key
redir_url = '<REDIR_URL>' # Callback URL (for testing, can be anything)
secret = r'<secret>' # Consumer Secret
def get_token():
with open(cache_path, 'r') as cache:
return json.loads(
except IOError:
def set_token(token) -> None:
with open(cache_path, 'w') as cache:
cache_path = '/optional/cache/path'
api = SomfyApi(client_id, secret, redir_url, token=get_token(), token_updater=set_token)
if not os.path.isfile(cache_path):
authorization_url, _ = api.get_authorization_url()
print('Please go to {} and authorize access.'.format(authorization_url))
authorization_response = input('Enter the full callback URL')
code = parse_qs(urlparse(authorization_response).query)['code'][0]
devices = api.get_devices(category=Category.ROLLER_SHUTTER)
covers = [RollerShutter(d, api) for d in devices]
for cover in covers:
print("Cover {} has the following position: {}".format(, cover.get_position()))
The current documentation does not give enough information to implement all the devices. If you want to contribute to this repository adding new devices, you can create an issue with the output of this script:
import json
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
client_id = r'<CLIENT_ID>' # Consumer Key
redir_url = '<REDIR_URL>' # Callback URL (for testing, can be anything)
secret = r'<secret>' # Consumer Secret
from pymfy.api.somfy_api import SomfyApi
api = SomfyApi(client_id, secret, redir_url)
authorization_url, _ = api.get_authorization_url()
print('Please go to {} and authorize access.'.format(authorization_url))
authorization_response = input('Enter the full callback URL')
code = parse_qs(urlparse(authorization_response).query)['code'][0]
devices = api.get_devices()
# Remove personal information
dumps = json.dumps(devices, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
dumps = re.sub('".*id.*": ".*",\n', '', dumps)