A simple FLOWER client written in dart for performing federated learning in edge devices.
A simple usage example:
import 'package:dart_flower/dart_flower.dart';
/// 1. Create an instance of FlowerClient
final flowerClient = FlowerClient(
getWeights: getWeights,
evaluate: evaluate,
fit: fit,
ip: '',
port: 8080,
// It requires 5 named parameters and an optional parameter
/// Ip address of the FLOWER server
String ip;
/// Port of the FLOWER server
int port;
/// Function to get the weights of the model
Future<List<Uint8List>> Function() getWeights;
/// Function to fit the model
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> Function(
List<Uint8List> layers,
int epochs,
) fit;
/// Function to evaluate the model
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> Function(
List<Uint8List> layers,
) evaluate;
/// Certificate file path for TLS connection
/// If not provided, insecure connection will be used
final String? certPath;
/// 2. Get the connection logs
flowerClient.getLogStream().listen((event) {
//Do Something
/// 3. Perform Federated Learning
await flowerClient.runFederated();
Check example
folder for the complete Flutter Application