This is the model used in an FP7 European Commission project called Lifelongjoints ( The model was used to investigate hip loads using a large dataset collect at Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust.
The dataset contained a 140 total hip replacement patients performing a series of activities of daily living. Note that, this model does not contain any patient data. The data is available directly from the "Research Data Leeds Repository", and must be downloaded separately from this model.
Note the model was built on the first test release of the dataset in 2018. The full dataset is now released and there can be small difference that means the model needs to be updated.
Data is released by University of Leeds:
Lunn, David and Chapman, Graham and Redmond, Anthony (2019)
Motion analysis in total hip replacement patients. University of Leeds.
- Download data (see above).
- Exact data (subfolder with c3d files) into the
| fast_03_.c3d
| fast_04_.c3d
| ...
| ..
Find the corresponding
files in theSubjects
folder. E.g. (Subjects/LLJ_029/main.any
) -
Load the main file execute the