Repository defining the core interfaces of the Apollo platform which are used for the communication among the other projects.
- You want to get a high-level overview of the functionality of the Apollo platform (in this case you may also want to check out EE-Guice)
- You are interested in the interfaces used across the repositories of the Apollo-Core organization
- You want to use Apollo for application orchestration (EE-Demo is probably a good place to start; the readme of EE-IO contains a description of the format of the input files required by Apollo)
- You want implement a particular type of component, such as a scheduler (see SC-Core) or a new way of enacting functions
- --
- EE-Guice
- EE-Model
- EE-Enactables
- EE-Control
- EE-Docker
- EE-Visualization
- EE-Demo
- EE-Deploy