This C# library is a standalone WPF library helping developers to display, save and print, local or remote SQL Server Reports (including Microsoft ReportViewer libraries v12).
ReportWindow report = new ReportWindow(new Uri("http://localhost/ReportServer"), "/MyDocument/MyReport");
report.Save("C:\\MyReport.pdf", ReportSaveFormat.Pdf);
ReportWindow report = new ReportWindow("C:\\MyDefinition.rdlc", "DataSet1", data);
report.Save("C:\\MyReport.pdf", ReportSaveFormat.Pdf);
ReportWindow report = new ReportWindow();
report.ReportFileName = "C:\\MyReport.rdlc";
report.ReportDataSources = new ReportDataSource[1];
report.ReportDataSources[0] = new ReportDataSource();
report.ReportDataSources[0].Name = "DataSet1";
report.ReportDataSources[0].Value = data.ToArray();
1.3 - Add Duplex and IsColored argument to print Recto/Verso and in color.
1.2 - Include Print and Save command for remote reports.
1.1 - All basic features.