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Automation framework made with C# + Selenium

The goal of this project was to put into practice my knowledge of Selenium using C#.

Do you want to create a framework based on this project? Check this branch!

The project 💻

The Automation Practice store was automated using C# + Selenium.

Tools ⚙️

  • C# v10.0.
  • .NET Core v6.0.400.
  • Microsoft .NET Test SDK v17.0.0.
  • NUnit v3.13.2.-
    • NUnit 3 Test Adapter v4.0.0.
  • Selenium.-
    • Selenium Support v3.141.0.
    • Selenium WebDriver v3.141.0.
    • Selenium WebDriver ChromeDriver v104.0.5112.7900.
    • Selenium WebDriver GeckoDriver v0.31.0.1.
  • DotNetSeleniumExtras WaitHelpers v3.11.0.
  • ExtentReports v4.1.0.
  • Bogus v33.1.1.
  • Serilog v2.11.0.-
    • Serilog Sinks Console v4.0.1.
    • Serilog Sinks File v5.0.0.

Project folder structure 🗂️

├── PageObjectModel/
│   ├── Components/
│   │   ├── Authentication
│   │   ├── CreateAccount
│   │   ├── Home
│   │   ├── MyAccount
│   │   ├── ShoppingCartAddress
│   │   ├── ShoppingCartOrderConfirmation
│   │   ├── ShoppingCartOrderSummaryBankwire
│   │   ├── ShoppingCartPaymentMethod
│   │   ├── ShoppingCartShipping
│   │   └── ShoppingCartSummary
│   ├── Models
│   ├── Pages
│   └── Utilities
└── Tests/
    ├── APIAndData
    ├── AutomationResources
    ├── Data
    ├── Models
    ├── Tests
    └── Utilities

Setup 🛠️

I developed the code using a Mac, but it should work on a PC.

The following steps can be executed using a terminal (I use hyper).

  1. Clone the repo.-

> git checkout SampleProject_1
  1. Install the packages.-
> dotnet build
  1. Don't forget to update the Selenium WebDriver ChromeDriver and the Selenium WebDriver GeckoDriver.

Run the tests ⚡️

# Run all the tests
> dotnet test
# Running tests by category

# UI tests
> dotnet test --filter TestCategory=UI

When you execute the tests, a new folder is generated at the workspace root (UIReports). Inside of this folder, you are going to see the index.html report (you can open them using your favorite browser). Also, new log file is generated (UIlogs-^.txt) and you can open them using any text editor.

UI Report Sample 1

UI Report Sample 2

Log Report Sample


C# Automation Framework template to create new projects






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