🥞 Trading bot Pancakeswap
To install run:
npm install
And to start script/bot run:
node start.js
In config.txt file edit:
- WBNB - Token address
- factory and router - Pancakeswap factory and router
- recipient - Wallet address for recieving earnings
"data": {
"WBNB": "0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c",
"factory": "0xcA143Ce32Fe78f1f7019d7d551a6402fC5350c73",
"router": "0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E",
"recipient": "0xB45fB0624924f470f9011EE62347231CD1E46"
Wallet mnemonic
const mnemonic = ''
You need to put there node web socket provider (Ankr for example)
const provider = new ethers.providers.WebSocketProvider('wss://apis.ankr.com/wss/')
Here you need to put how much you want to buy BNB, there is 0,001 BNB for example
const amountIn = ethers.utils.parseUnits('0.001', 'ether')
Important is to adjust gasPrice and gasLimit for amount you want to buy, gasPrice and gasLimit have WEI value
gasPrice: '10000',
gasLimit: '2000000'