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AIP Science Apps Workspace

The Science Apps Workspace for the Arabidopsis Information Portal.

Drupal module

Provides a content type "Science App".


The app preparation/checkout expects that bower be in the $PATH of the user the portal is running as, e.g. apache or nginx. The user must be able to run those commands.

If running as the apache/nginx user on a standard distribution, this user is often unprivileged. It is probably no nologin account and has $HOME assigned to /var/www for example, to which it may not have permissions. This can cause some unexpected behavior. We have found that in these cases, rather than granting more privileges to the user, manually working through the error messages to deduce the correct configuration is best.

Common issues

  • bower and yeoman attempt to create directories like $HOME/.config or $HOME/.cache
    • resolution: manually create the directories and grant the user permission
  • bower, git, etc., are not in the path
    • edit the path for the user. For CentOS httpd, edit /etc/sysconfig/httpd so that the $PATH is correct.