Photo viewer application that fetches photos from Instagram, using Firebase as storage solution.
Application solution was developed in a local environment using:
- Node.js / Express
- Firebase Auth
- Firebase Database
- Session-based platform
Firebase was the proposed storage solution, thus, dependencies and configurations were implemented to work with Express
The application consists of 4 VIEWS:
- login
- register
- home
- profile.
Accomplished functionalities are: following:
- Register* (10 pts.)[check]
- Login* (10 pts.)[check]
- Display images by date in descending order (20 pts.)[check]
- User search (15 pts.)[check]
- See users’ other submissions (10 pts.)[check]
- Search autocomplete (15 pts.)[check]
- See image details like title, description, etc (10 pts.)[check]
- Follow other users (20 pts.)[check]
- Profile (10 pts.)[check] 10.Share in at least one social network (10 pts.) 11.Complete README file* (20 pts.)[check]
- **[extra] Middleware to invalidate unauthorized requests [check]
- "body-parser": "^1.18.3", => form submits
- "express": "^4.16.4", => middleware
- "express-session": "^1.15.6", => userData & userID availability throughout application
- "firebase-admin": "^6.4.0", => firebase auth and database functions for node.js
- "instagram-node": "^0.5.8", => photo fetching
- "moment": "^2.22.2", => display photos creation date
- "path": "^0.12.7", => public path shortening
- "pug": "^2.0.3" => page structure
Authorize Instragram username for Instagram API sandbox
- config/keys.js
- auth/serviceAccountKey.json
Run following commands:
- npm install
- node index.js
Go to localhost:80 and register
- AragonCodes - PickMe - (
- Thanks Brounie for let me grow as a Software Developer