TRONETL is a ETL helper to TRON protocol
Make sure the output-directory was downloaded and node started
install the tronetl
git clone && cd tronetl
# if using docker (recommend)
docker build -t tronetl .
docker run -it tronetl -h
# else using latest golang
go install .
tronetl -h
tronetl is a CLI tool for parsing blockchain data from tron network to CSV format files
tronetl [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
export_blocks_and_transactions export blocks, with the blocks' trx and trc10 transactions
export_token_transfers export smart contract token's transfers
help Help about any command
server run a server for servings the export tasks
-h, --help help for tronetl
Use "tronetl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
ETL results' schema are written in this doc
export blocks, with the blocks' trx and trc10 transactions
tronetl export_blocks_and_transactions [flags]
--blocks-output string the CSV file for block outputs, use - to omit (default "blocks.csv")
--end-block uint the ending block number
--end-timestamp uint the ending block's timestamp (in UTC)
-h, --help help for export_blocks_and_transactions
--provider-uri string the base uri of the tron fullnode (without port) (default "http://localhost")
--start-block uint the starting block number
--start-timestamp uint the starting block's timestamp (in UTC)
--transactions-output string the CSV file for transaction outputs, use - to omit (default "transactions.csv")
--trc10-output string the CSV file for trc10 outputs, use - to omit (default "trc10.csv")
export smart contract token's transfers
tronetl export_token_transfers [flags]
--contracts stringArray just output selected contracts' transfers
--end-block uint the ending block number
--end-timestamp uint the ending block's timestamp (in UTC)
-h, --help help for export_token_transfers
--internal-tx-output string the CSV file for internal transaction outputs, use - to omit (default "internal_transactions.csv")
--logs-output string the CSV file for transaction log outputs, use - to omit (default "logs.csv")
--provider-uri string the base uri of the tron fullnode (without port) (default "http://localhost")
--receipts-output string the CSV file for transaction receipt outputs, use - to omit (default "receipts.csv")
--start-block uint the starting block number
--start-timestamp uint the starting block's timestamp (in UTC)
--transfers-output string the CSV file for token transfer outputs, use - to omit (default "token_transfers.csv")