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Documentation Apply Settings
UltimaOath edited this page Dec 23, 2023
11 revisions
This page was last updated for LevelledMobs 3.14.0 b810
These represent the many various settings and qualities which are applied utilizing the levelling strategy combined with a strong conditions check.
baby-mobs-inherit-adult-setting: true
level-inheritance: true
passenger-match-level: true
maxLevel: 25
minLevel: 1
nametag: '&8&l༺ %tiered%Lvl %mob-lvl%&8 | &f%displayname%&8 | &f%entity-health-rounded% %tiered%%heart_symbol% &r%health-indicator% &8&l༻'
nametag-always-visible-time: 4000
nametag-placeholder-unlevelled: ''
nametag-placeholder-levelled: ''
nametag-visibility-method: ['TARGETED', 'TRACKING', 'ATTACKED']
creature-death-nametag: '%tiered%Lvl %mob-lvl%&8 | &f%entity-name%'
1: ['%player% was killed by %death_nametag%!']
nbt-data: ''
sunlight-intensity: 5
use-custom-item-drops-for-mobs: false
use-droptable-id: ''
lock-entity: false
SKELETON: 'Jack Skellington'
all_entities: 'Spawner %displayname%'
SKELETON: ['Verta Brae', 'Billy Bones']
indicator: '█'
indicator-half: '▌'
scale: 4
max: 5
tier-1: 'E76B' #Green
tier-2: 'ȐCFF' #Blue
tier-3: '&#FFCD56' #Yellow
tier-4: '&#FE803C' #Orange
tier-5: '&#F2003D' #Red
tier-6: '&#B447FF' #Purple
tier-#: 'color'
default: '&#FFFFFF' #White
merge: true
# Stacked Multipliers
use-stacked: true
max-health: ['5.0', 'STACKED']
# All Entities/Default Attributes
max-health: 5.0
movement-speed: 0.15
attack-damage: 2.25
ranged-attack-damage: 2.0
creeper-blast-damage: 1.0
follow-range: 0
item-drop: 3
xp-drop: 5
# Special Multipliers (0.0 Min - 1.0 Max)
armor-bonus: 0.25
armor-toughness: 0.15
attack-knockback: 0.25
knockback-resistance: 0.2
zombie-spawn-reinforcements: 0.25
vanilla-bonus: ['']
max-health: 5.0
movement-speed: 0.15
attack-damage: 2.25
ranged-attack-damage: 2.0
creeper-blast-damage: 1.0
item-drop: 3
xp-drop: 5
creeper-max-damage-radius: 3
1-5: 'E76B' #Green
6-10: 'ȐCFF' #Blue
11-15: '&#FFCD56' #Yellow
16-20: '&#F2003D' #Red
21-25: '&#B447FF' #Purple
LVL-LVL: 'color'
default: '&#FFFFFF' #White
maximum-death-in-chunk-threshold: 0
max-adjacent-chunks: 3
chunk-max-cooldown-seconds: 300
disable-vanilla-drops-on-chunk-max: false
disable-item-boost-on-chunk-max: true
disable-xp-boost-on-chunk-max: true
spawner-particles: 'SOUL'
spawner-particles-count: 10
newValue = defaultValue + (( defaultValue x configValue ) x ( entityLevel / maxLevel ))
newValue = (entityLevel / maxLevel) x (attributeMax x configValue)
is hardcoded to reflect the following, based on the Maximum value possible in-game.
- 30.0
- 20.0
- 5.0
- 1.0
- 1.0
Below consists of a list of premade, built-in placeholders which can be used when constructing a nametag:
Placeholder | Description |
%displayname% |
This represents the killed entity's CustomName field. |
%health-indicator% |
This represents the health-indicator bar system. |
%health-indicator-color% |
This represents the tier-color output only from health-indicator system. |
%mob-lvl% |
This represents the killed entity's level. |
%entity-name% |
This represents the killed entity's EntityType. |
%levelledmobs_killed-by% |
This represents the EntityType of the last entity to kill a player. |
%death_nametag% |
This represents the value of creature-death-nametag: . |
%entity-health% |
This represents the killed entity's health, exactly. |
%entity-health-rounded% |
This represents the killed entity's health, rounded to nearest whole exactly. |
%entity-max-health% |
This represents the killed entity's maximum health, exactly. |
%entity-max-health-rounded% |
This represents the killed entity's maximum health, rounded to nearest whole number. |
%heart_symbol% |
This represents the symbol ♥ . |
%tiered% |
This represents the effective color as selected by tiered-coloring: . |
%wg_region% |
This represents the WorldGuard region where the entity died. |
%world% |
This represents the world name where the entity died. |
%location% |
This represents the three coordinate points for the location of the entity's death. The output is as X Y Z . |
Config Line Option | Description |
minLevel: maxLevel:
These represent the minLevel and maxLevel to apply to the entity. |
nametag: |
This represents LM's nametag which hovers over the entity. You must have ProtocolLib installed for any supported Minecraft 1.16 server for this feature to function. You can disable nametags by changing this value to disabled . To make the nametag bar disappear entirely, make sure to change nametag-visibility-method: to disabled as well. |
creature-death-nametag: |
This represents the name used whenever a player is killed by a levelled entity. |
death-messages: |
This represents the beginning of the Death Messages tree, where you define the settings to alter the messages sent to players when they are killed an an entity. You would set the chance of the message being used by changing the number on the left, while including your altered message on the right. This system works similar to the weighted-random: level modifier: the higher the number on the left, the higher the chance of that message being used. |
nametag-visible-time: nametag-visibility-method:
These settings control when and for how long LevelledMobs will display the Nametag for an entity. By default, the three options TARGETED , TRACKING , and ATTACKED are used.TARGETED - When an entity has targeted a player with Line of Sight.ATTACKED - When a Player attacks an entity.TRACKING - When an entity is actively tracking a targeted player (Follow Range).ALWAYS_ON - The Nametag remains visible, even through blocks.MELEE - The Nametag is only visible in melee range.DISABLED - The Nametag is disabled.If the entity's Nametag has been enabled, the timer, measured in milliseconds, will count down until the next activation event, otherwise it will reset the Nametag back to the default configuration. We are working to improve the Nametag system without sacrificing efficiency and resource management. This is the latest step, but we are always looking for the Holy Grail; if you've got a way to improve it, let us know! |
nametag-placeholder-unlevelled: nametag-placeholder-levelled:
This represents the different potential values for the %levelledmobs_mob-target% placeholder. If not populated, the default nametag: value will be used. |
health-indicator: |
This represents the beginning of the Health Indicator system tree, where you define the settings necessary to utilize the %health-indicator% tag which can be used within the nametag: config option. |
indicator: indicator-half:
These two config options represent the character used as an indicator within the Health Indicator system. The indicator: is used for most tiers, while the indicator-half: is used once the creature has reached the final tier of their health and it begins to wind down to zero. |
scale: max:
These two config options adjust how the Health Indicator looks. The max: represents how many of the indicator: are present in the bar, while the scale: represents how many health points each indicator: represents. This is also used to determine what tier it is in. |
colored-tiers: tier-#: default: merge: true
This represents the different colors of the Health Indicator bar, used to express higher levels of health by using different tiers of colors which change from one to the next as the health changes. Each tier represents a chunk of health calculated as 1Tier = ( max: x scale: ) and so each subsequent tier represents an additional same chunk of health.Example: using a scale: 4 and max: 5 , that means each tier is worth 20hp . If I had an entity which, at max level, would be 110hp , then that means I would need a minimum of 6 tiers to color every tier of health that could display. Any health that exceeds the available health within the tiers is given the default: color. Finally, if you separate your health-indicator: settings as we have done in the default configuration file, you can use merge: true to bring the two values together. |
multipliers: |
This represents the beginning of the Multipliers system tree, where you can adjust the change in entity attributes based on their maximum level. This value represents the percent increase of the entity's attribute when at maximum level. By default, we use the multipliers max-health , movement-speed , attack-damage , ranged-attack-damage , creeper-blast-damage , follow-range , item-drop , and xp-drop . The remaining attributes are special due to the fact that most entities do not spawn with a value in this slot. As we are artificially adding them, we need to use a different formula to apply their attributes, from a 0.0 or 0% of that attribute to a 1.0 or 100% of that attribute. If you are unsure, refer to this page to see whether your chosen attribute will work! For xp-drop or item-drop , having a value of -1 will disable the dropping of the vanilla XP or Items respectively. |
multipliers: custom-mob-level:
This represents the ability to make adjustments to a specific entity's multipliers in a convenient way. This is meant to be a sub-section of multipliers: as demonstrated in the above code. Once you select a specific EntityType, ensure you match the necessary formatting, and then use the above listed multipliers: to make adjustments to the default applied values. |
multipliers: use-stacked: ['X', 'STACKED']
This system allows you to modify how the multipliers are processed. Instead of the default formula, you can add the use-stacked: true option beneath multipliers: which will take the value from the multipliers listed beneath and add it to the entity at each level. You can also instead choose to modify the entry for specific multipliers by changing their default value from X to ['Y', 'STACKED'] , where Y represents your new stacked value for that multiplier.An example of this in action might be max-health: ['5.0', 'STACKED'] , where a vanilla unlevelled zombie would have 20hp; a Level 1 would have 25hp; Level 2 at 30hp; Level 3 at 35hp, etc. |
creeper-max-damage-radius: |
This represents the radius of a Creeper explosion. Minecraft's vanilla value is 3 , a stronger middle ground would be 5 ; anything higher than 10 is basically a nuke and is not recommended unless you're into that :3 . |
tiered-coloring: LVL-LVL: default:
This represents the beginning of the Tiered Coloring system tree, where you define the settings necessary to utilize the %tiered% tag which can be used within the nametag: config option. To apply a color based on the current level of an entity.You would establish a level range at LVL-LVL: and then either a Hex or Minecraft Color Code prefixed with an & in place of the color .You can establish a default: color which would apply to any entity which has spawned or was summoned in a level range which is not already specified. |
sunlight-intensity: |
This represents an additional damage amount applied to entities which burn in the sunlight. This is a useful tool to help kill off higher level entities whose health can exceed the damage of the sun. |
baby-mobs-inherit-adult-setting: |
When set to true , this setting will apply any condition set to an EntityType to both it's adult and baby versions if one is available.When set to false , this will separate the EntityType into it's adult (default) and baby form, prefixed with BABY_ .Example: ZOMBIE and BABY_ZOMBIE . |
level-inheritance: |
When set to true , any entity which undergoes a transformation event will keep it's previous applied setting.When set to false , the newly transformed entity will attempt to relevel itself under it's new status.An example of a transformation event would be when a larger slime breaks into smaller slimes, or when a Villager transforms into a Zombie Villager and back again. |
passenger-match-level: |
When set to true , any entity which spawns as a Passenger combination will share the same level as generated by the lowest entity in the stack (the one moving the Passenger(s) around). Whatever level that lowest entity would have generated, the passengers will match that level. When set to false , each entity will generate it's own level based upon it's own levelling strategy! |
vanilla-bonus: |
By default, LevelledMobs will not alter the vanilla attribute bonus modifiers (prior to LM3.7.4, we did!). You can exclude or allow these bonuses before LevelledMobs potentially modifies these values. Details taken from: minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Attribute ATTACKING_SPEED_BOOST - Fixed value of 6.2 for Endermen and 0.45 for Zombie Pigmen; exists only when attacking.BABY_SPEED_BOOST - Fixed value of 0.5; exists only for baby Zombies and baby Zombie Villagers.COVERED_ARMOR_BONUS - Fixed value of 20.0 for Shulker exists only when fully closed.DRINKING_SPEED_PENALTY - Fixed value of -0.25 for Witches when drinking a potion.FLEEING_SPEED_BOOST - Fixed value of 2 used by all passive mobs when fleeing.LEADER_ZOMBIE_BONUS - Has a (small) random chance of being generated on a zombie when spawned. For Spawn Reinforcements Chance, random number between 0.5 and 0.75. For generic.max_health, random number between 1.0 and 4.0.RANDOM_SPAWN_BONUS - Generated upon spawning; a random number from a Gaussian distribution ranging from 0.0 to 0.05.RANDOM_ZOMBIE_SPAWN_BONUS - Generated upon spawning; a random number between 0.0 and 1.5.SPRINTING_SPEED_BONUS - Fixed value of 0.3 used by all mobs (including players) when sprinting.ZOMBIE_REINFORCE_CALLEE - Fixed value of -0.05 created for each zombie spawned as a reinforcement.ZOMBIE_REINFORCE_CALLER - Fixed value of -0.05 created each time a zombie spawns another zombie as reinforcement. |
use-custom-item-drops-for-mobs: |
When set to true , this will enable the LM CustomDrops system.When set to false , LM will ignore the CustomDrops entirely. |
entity-name-override: LVL-LVL:
This config option has multiple methods to implement it. You can use the single line item method, such as SKELETON: 'Jack' ; multiple randomly selected options, such as SKELETON: ['Jack', 'Sally', 'Sandy Claws'] ; or checking levels of the entity prior to application, as demonstrated in the code above (if specified level, then use specific custom name).You can also make use of the tag %displayname% , which will insert the entity's name into the newly applied name. This would be useful when applying one rule to multiple EntityTypes. |
nbt-data: |
This config option requires the soft-dependency NBT-API to function. This allows you to apply NBT tags to entities which have spawned. This adds the NBT tag to whatever list of NBT tags the mob already has (nothing is reset/overridden). A useful toolset for crafting even more unique styles of entities. |
use-droptable-id: |
This config option requires the LM CustomDrops system to be enabled. It allows you to select a singular drop table from the CD to apply to entities selected through LM's Rules system, allowing for highly dynamic drop conditions. Can reference multiple drop table ids. |
lock-entity: |
When set to true , nametags and custom drop rules will be locked to the entity so it won't change even if a different rule gets applied to the entity later. |
maximum-death-in-chunk-threshold: |
This controls the chunk kill count system. When a number greater than 0 is used then the system is enabled and any custom drops that are configured with use-chunk-kill-max will not drop once this threshold is met. |
max-adjacent-chunks: |
The number of chunks adjacent to the chunk that an entity died in will be considered for meeting the maximum-death-in-chunk-threshold criteria. |
chunk-max-cooldown-seconds: |
When a chunk kill max is reached, a timer is activated based on this setting until drops are enabled again |
disable-vanilla-drops-on-chunk-max: |
When the chunk kill threshold is reached, this setting will determine if vanilla drops including experience points are disabled. |
disable-item-boost-on-chunk-max: |
When a chunk kill max is reached, when enabled, this setting will prevent any item multipliers from applying. |
disable-xp-boost-on-chunk-max: |
When a chunk kill max is reached, when enabled, this setting will prevent any experience multipliers from applying. |
spawner-particles |
This applies only to LM spawners, it is the particle effect used when a mob is spawned. Can be any value from: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Particle.html |
spawner-particles-count |
How many particles will be spawned when a mob spawns from a LM spawner. |
⚠️ Note: This wiki is out of date for any version of LevelledMobs 4 or higher.
Please refer to the new wiki for LevelledMobs 4 here. ⚠️
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