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Penal Buffalo edited this page Nov 10, 2021 · 15 revisions
This page was last updated for LevelledMobs 3.3.0 b560

External-Placeholders using PlaceholderAPI (PAPI)

Placeholder Description
%levelledmobs_mob-target% This represents the nametag value for the entity being looked at.
%levelledmobs_displayname% This represents the displayname created by LevelledMobs for the last entity to kill or be killed by a player.
%levelledmobs_mob-lvl% This represents the entity's level as generated by LevelledMobs for the last entity to kill or be killed by a player. (LM 3.3.0 and newer only)

Internal-Placeholders for LevelledMobs Only

Placeholder Description
%displayname% This represents the killed entity's CustomName field.
%health-indicator% This represents the health-indicator bar system.
%mob-lvl% This represents the killed entity's level.
%entity-name% This represents the killed entity's EntityType.
%entity-health% This represents the killed entity's health, exactly.
%entity-health-rounded% This represents the killed entity's health, rounded to nearest whole exactly.
%entity-max-health% This represents the killed entity's maximum health, exactly.
%entity-max-health-rounded% This represents the killed entity's maximum health, rounded to nearest whole number.
%heart_symbol% This represents the symbol `♥`.
%tiered% This represents the effective color as selected by `tiered-coloring:`.
%wg_region% This represents the WorldGuard region where the entity died.
%world% This represents the world name where the entity died.
%location% This represents the three coordinate points for the location of the entity's death. The output is as `X Y Z`.
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