A proxy that uses OpenID Connect to drive authentication for other apps.
Currently it's tested with Kubernetes API server.
--listen <string> Bind address
--client-id <string> Client ID
--client-secret <string> Client Secret
--issuer-url <string> OIDC issuer discovery URL
--redirect-url <string> OAuth callback redirecion URL
--tls-cert <string> TLS certificate file
--tls-key <string> TLS key file
--session-encryption-key <string> An AES key to encrypt session in cookie
--upstream-url <string> Upstream URL
--upstream-user-header <string> Additional header passing user name to upstream
--upstream-group-header <string> Additional header passing group name to upstream
--user-claim <string> Claim in the ID token to extract user name
--groups-claim <string> Claim in the ID token to extract group names
--secure-cookie Set cookie secure flag
mkdir -p oidc-proxy/src/github.com/ArchangelSDY
git clone https://github.com/ArchangelSDY/oidc-proxy oidc-proxy/src/github.com/ArchangelSDY/oidc-proxy
cd oidc-proxy
export GOPATH=`pwd`
cd src/github.com/ArchangelSDY/oidc-proxy
dep ensure
go build -o oidc-proxy github.com/ArchangelSDY/oidc-proxy