Small commandlet for generating a complete project using UE4SS header dump, Project File and Plugin Manifest
Compile the project for the Development Editor Win64 target first Make sure to add plugins your game depends on to the .uplugin file!
Run through the command line:
"${ENGINE_DISTRIBUTION_BIN}\UE4Editor-Cmd.exe" "${PROJECT_DIR}\GameProjectGenerator.uproject" -run=ProjectGenerator -HeaderRoot="${HEADER_DUMP_PATH}" -ProjectFile="${GAME_PROJECT_FILE}" -PluginManifest="${GAME_PLUGIN_MANIFEST}" -OutputDir="${OUTPUT_DIR}" -stdout -unattended -NoLogTimes
- ENGINE_DISTRIBUTION_BIN - path to the binaries directory of your local UE4 distribution
- PROJECT_DIR- path to the root of this project
- HEADER_DUMP_PATH - path to the root directory of UHTHeaderDump, generated from your game through UE4SS
- GAME_PROJECT_FILE - path to the .uproject file of your game (can be extracted from game paks)
- GAME_PLUGIN_MANIFEST - path to the .upluginmanifest file of your game (can be extracted from game paks)
- OUTPUT_DIR - path to the output directory for the resulting project (must exist)
Resulting project might need few edits to compile correctly.