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Documentation about setting up the client

This document will explain how you can deploy the client side of the POC on your device.


  1. Make sure you've got node installed
  2. Make sure you've got npm installed
  3. Make sure you've got java installed

Cloning from git

To get started with the project, you will first have to clone the client repo from git. This can be done in 2 ways!

Clone the client:

  • SSH: [email protected]:TI/2022-2023/s3/analysis-and-development-project/projects/group-06/client.git
  • HTTPS:

User guide

  1. Run the server via your favourite IDE or via the CLI. (If you want to know how to do this use the server README)
  1. Run npm installcommand in your client terminal.
  2. Run npm run dev command in your client terminal.
  3. Click on the http://localhost:5173/ link

Mars web project group-06

This is the client-side start project for the Analysis and Development project.

Create your client-side project in this repo.

Important public urls

Please complete the following instructions before committing the final version on the project

Please add any instructions required to:

  • make your application work if applicable
  • be able to test the application (credentials, populated db, ...)
  • view the wireframes.

Also clarify

  • If there are known bugs.
  • If you haven't managed to finish certain required functionality.

Instructions for testing locally

  • Run the mars-server with gradle run (through your IDE)
  • Open the mars-client in phpstorm/webstorm
    • Navigate to the index.html
    • Click on a browser icon at the top right of your IDE to host the mars-client.

Instruction for testing the web client locally with a deployed mars-server

  • Open the mars-client in phpstorm
    • Copy the following settings to config.json (make sure to replace the XX)
        "host": "",
        "folder": "",
        "group": "mars-XX"
  • Navigate to the index.html
  • Click on a browser icon at the top right of your IDE to host the mars-client.
  • Make sure to undo the settings once you are done testing the remote server!

Instructions for local quality checks

You can run the validators for html, CSS and JS rules locally.

Make sure npm is installed.

There is no need to push to the server to check if you are compliant with our rules.

In the interest of sparing the server, please result to local testing as often as possible.

If everyone pushes to test, the remote will not last.

Open a terminal in your IDE

  • Make sure you are in the root folder of the client project.
  • Execute npm install this step is only needed once.
  • Execute npm run validate-local for linux/mac users.
  • Execute npm run validate-local-win for Windows users.
  • If there are errors, the program execution will halt and show the first error
  • If there are no errors, a report file will be generated in the .scannerworks/ directory.
    • You will find the link to the sonar report in this file


If you want to skip ci remotely, include [ci skip] in your commit message.

This is convenient for when you want to quickly add a certain commit, but do not wish to trigger the whole CI sequence.

Default files


The reset.css has already been supplied, but it's up to you and your team to add other styles.


A demonstration for connecting with the API has already been set up.

We urge you to divide your JS files into many small JS files.


The Vue client of our application







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