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Documentation about setting up the server

This document will explain how you can deploy the server side of the POC on your device.


  1. Make sure you've got node installed
  2. Make sure you've got npm installed
  3. Make sure you've got java installed

cloning from git

To get started with the project, you will first have to clone the client repo from git. This can be done in 2 ways!

Clone the client:

  • SSH: [email protected]:TI/2022-2023/s3/analysis-and-development-project/projects/group-06/server.git
  • HTTPS:

User guide

  1. Use you favorite IDE and open the server directory in it.
  2. click on Gradle on the right corner, click application an dubble click run button.
  3. If the client is already configured on your pc, you can just use your terminal and type npm run dev. If this is not the case follow the steps in the client README

Analysis & Development Project - Mars 2052 - server project

This is the server side start-project for Project II.

This start project provides the basic scaffolding for an openapi webserver and an example bridge class for websockets.

There is already a fully working minimal example api with all the necessary classes.

Example classes (except are allowed to be modified or deleted.

Before you start:

  • Choose Zulu jdk version 11 or opendjk 11 (Configure through this through intelij)
  • Make sure to clone all the repositories client, server & documentation
    • Use the following folder structure
      • root_folder_with_name_of_choice
        • client
        • documentation
        • server

Local testing and quality checks

You can run the Sonar validator and code coverage locally!

There is no need to push to the server to check if you are compliant with our rules. In the interest of sparing the server, please result to local testing as often as possible.

If everyone pushes to test, the remote will not last.

Use the sonarlint plugin to see any code smells.

  • In the sonarlint plugin.
  • Open the report tab
  • Click on the Analyze all project files button. (left side)

Configuring properties

All properties for a local setup are located in conf/config.json.

The remote properties are located on the remote server.

Add properties to conf/config.json are not automatically pushed to the remote server.

Adding new properties to the local config file is perfectly fine.

However, to apply new properties or property modifications on the server please contact mr. Blomme on MS Teams. With the following data:

  • valid config file in json format with filename config-group-XX.

Please, test the config file thoroughly on your local machine as mistakes will not be fixed every day.

What's included

  • A very basic openapi specification
    • localhost:8080/api/quotes
  • H2 database web console
  • The setup of a vert.x and openapi (
  • Minimal H2 repository class
  • A starter class for the RTC topic (
  • Database generation scripts

How to run the start project locally

In Intelij choose gradle task run.

Location OpenApi Specification

The location of the openapi specification is defined in the file config.

The property is called api.url.

By default, the local setup will pick the openapi specification located at

If for some reason, the api isn't available or you want to use the specification in your local documentation folder.

"api": {
"url": "../documentation/api-spec/openapi-mars.yaml"
  • For the api to work, the folder structure must be organised as describe above.

Local endpoints

  • H2 web client
    • localhost:9000
    • url: jdbc:h2:./db-06
    • no credentials
  • Web api
    • localhost:8080/api/quotes
  • Web client
    • launch through webstorm/phpstorm (see client-side readme)

Production endpoints

Keep the database up to date

There is no need to manually add entries into the database.

Please use the scripts: db-create and db-populate in the resource folder.

Everytime you run the api, the database will be rebuilt to the state described in db-create and db-populate scripts.

The db-create script is responsible for the database structure (tables, primary keys, ...)

The db-populate script is responsible for populating the database with useful data.

Adding/updating an openapi endpoint.

  1. Update the openapi specification in the documentation repo. 2. Commit and push the results.
  2. Update the function buildRouter in the class MarsOpenApiBridge
    1. Map the operationId (openapi id) to a new function in the class MarsOpenApiBridge
    2. Create this new function in the MarsOpenApiBridge
  3. (Optional) Use the Request class to get the data from the ctx parameter.
  4. Add the wanted functionality to the controller layer and the layers below.
  5. Add a new response function in the Response class if needed.
  6. Write unit tests


Contains our Vert.x backend server







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