Stack: React, Redux, Firebase TypeScript, Storybook, EsLint, Prettier, Jest, Enzyme
# via npm
$ npm install
# via yarn
$ yarn
Launch App Locally
# via npm
$ npm start
# via yarn
$ yarn start
Deployed App Version
Three level documentation:
In-code Level Documentation
. Series of comments all along the codebase. The goal ofIn-code Documentation
is to register:- What a function do
- What the function's parameters or arguments are
- What a function returns
NOTE: It's useless to document absolutely everything around the code. But we all know when you are making those kind of easy-to-forget/hard-to-understand decisions. So, these are the ones that MUST to be documented.
Components Level Documentation
. Component documentation handled with Storybook Documentation. Component-Driven Development is the way to build UIs from the bottom up starting with components and ending at screens. The good thing is with Storybook we can auto-generate a maintainable solid documentation. Here's what we are covering:- Design System decisions
- Component's usage
- Each component's description, primary story sample (with copyable source), props table, and collection of stories.
for life Design System Docs.
Project's Level Documentation
. Includes this same README file, which contains:- A brief description of the project
- Installation instructions
- Record all major decisions made
- Conventions applied if that's the case: naming, file organization, coding practices, etc.
Raw CSS. The current configuration already allows us to use CSS pre-processors. BUT, we are not going to make use of any magic tool for CSS. "WHAT? WHY?", - you may ask.
- Firstly, because I believe in plain CSS. It's strong enough.
- Second, still didn't find a legitimate excuse to adopt such complexity. CSS Variables? The language already have them. Expressions? I doubt that we will ever need them.
Eric Meyer's reset.css. Eric Meyer's // TODO - EXPLAIN WHY AND WHERE IS IT
Design System Decisions under index.css. Design System Decisions // TODO - EXPLAIN WHY AND WHERE IS IT
Modular CSS. Modular CSS makes just sense, specially with all the benefits of React Components.
BEM Naming Convention. For this project I decided to apply BEM naming convention *2 // TODO - EXPLAIN WHY
BEM + Modular CSS + React Components = SUCCESS.
Naming and Absolute imports.
Unit Tests: Jest & Enzyme
Coverage: Coveralls
NOTE: Do you want to run your brand new Coveralls script? Follow the steps
Add a
file at the root level of the repository. -
Paste the following code snippet:
with your corresponding one. -
Check the script works by runing:
$ yarn run coverage
Functional Tests: Cypress & Cucumber
Feature: A short description of the desired functionality
Scenario: A business situation
Given a precondition
And another precondition
When an event happens
And another event happens too
Then a testable outcome is achieved
And something else is also completed
Visual Tests: Storybook & Loki
Absolute imports from /src
. According to what we've seen on the File Structure section, src
is kind of our play field, where logic happens. Such reason makes me think /src
is a nice root folder:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "src",
I personally like VS Code IDE for its multiple solutions. If you are interested on what rules were applied on this particular project, please check VS Config.