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This repository contains the code for the paper "Can Transformers Learn Full Bayesian Inference In Context?"

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Can Transformers Learn Full Bayesian Inference In Context?

Welcome to the official code repository for our paper: "Can Transformers Learn Full Bayesian Inference In Context?". This repository contains the code for all experiments conducted in the paper which demonstrate that in-context learning is effective for full Bayesian inference with real-world datasets.


To install the required dependencies, please run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Latent Factor Models

To reproduce the experiments regarding the latent factor models, first choose a configuration file from the Experiments/Configs/LFM_Configs directory. You might want to adjust the `save_path' parameter to specify the directory where the results should be saved. Then, run the experiment:

from PFNExperiments.Experiments.RunExperiments.RunExperiments_LFM import RunExperiments_LFM

experiment = RunExperiments_LFM(config_path)  # initialize the experiment with the path to the configuration file  # run the experiment

This will create a directory where the training logs and the results are saved.

Generalized Linear Models

To reproduce the experiments regarding the generalized linear models, first choose a configuration file from the Experiments/Configs/LM_Configs directory. You might want to adjust the `save_path' parameter to specify the directory where the results should be saved.

If you want to use covariates from the TabPFN prior, you first need to generate them and store them

import torch
from PFNExperiments.LinearRegression.GenerativeModels.GenerateX_TabPFN.GenerateX_to_save import GenerateX_to_save

gen = GenerateX_to_save(
    n_samples = 10_000_000,
    N = 50,
    P = 5,
    save_folder= "your_save_folder",
    save_name = "",
    replace_nan = True,
    normalize = True

r = gen.sample(), "your_save_folder/")

Then, add the path or several paths to the generated covariates to the configuration file under the attribute x_data_files.

Finally, run the experiment:

from PFNExperiments.Experiments.RunExperiments.RunExperiments_LM import RunExperiments_LM

experiment = RunExperiments_LM(config_path)  # initialize the experiment with the path to the configuration file  # run the experiment

This will create a directory where the training logs and the results are saved.

Ablation for a Diffusion Objective using Variance Preserving Paths

To reproduce the ablation on the role of using a diffusion objective with variance preserving paths [1] compared to the standard OT objective, simply run the configs from Experiments/Configs/Diffuion_Experiments/LM_Configs and Experiments/Configs/Diffuion_Experiments/LFM_Configs directories in the same way as for the previous experiments.

Ablation for SGLD

To obtain results for SGLD, just choose a standard configuration file from the Experiments/Configs/LM_Configs or Experiments/Configs/LFM_Configs. Then run the file Experiments/ for the LMs and run the file Experiments/ for the LFMs.

We use SGLD from [2] with preconditioning introduced in [3].

Run the OOD experiments

To run the OOD experiments, choose a config file from Experiments/Configs/LM_Configs_OOD or Experiments/Configs/FA_Configs_OOD or Experiments/Configs/GMM_Configs_OOD and run Experiments/ for the LM configs, and Experiments/ for the FA and GMM configs.

Run the experiments using an MLP instead of a transformer encoder

To run the experiments where an MLP encoder instead of a transformer encoder is used, choose a config file from Experiments/Configs/LM_Configs_MLP or Experiments/Configs/FA_Configs_MLP, or Experiments/Configs/GMM_Configs_MLP and run Experiments/ for the LM configs, and Experiments/ for the FA and GMM configs.


[1] Song, Yang, et al. "Score-based generative modeling through stochastic differential equations." arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.13456 (2020).

[2] Welling, Max, and Yee W. Teh. "Bayesian learning via stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics." Proceedings of the 28th international conference on machine learning (ICML-11). 2011.

[3] Li, Chunyuan, et al. "Preconditioned stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics for deep neural networks." Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence. Vol. 30. No. 1. 2016.


This repository contains the code for the paper "Can Transformers Learn Full Bayesian Inference In Context?"






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