Restful API for managing restaurants. Written in Python using FastAPI.
- Project Folder Structure 📂
- Features 🚀
- How to run the code 🏃♂️
- Installing project's dependencies 📚
- How to run locally ⚙️
- Built with 🛠️
├── alembic # Migration tool.
│ └── versions # Migrations made.
├── app # Main app folder.
│ ├── api # Api related folder (routes, deps, versioning, etc.).
│ │ └── v1
│ │ └── routes # Route folder where are all routes located for current version.
│ ├── core # Core where locate all app configs,
│ │ └── settings # like app settings, logging, etc.
│ ├── infrastructure # Infrastructure related configs like databases, external resources, etc.
│ ├── models # Entities representation of the data.
│ ├── repositories # Code with database interaction (CRUD).
│ ├── schemas # Pydantic schemas for validating and deserializing data.
│ ├── services # Business logic like use cases.
│ └── utils # Utils used in the app.
└── tests # Test cases for the app.
- All endpoints created for implementing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
- Specific business logic use case for retrieving the following fields:
: Count of restaurants that fall inside the circle with center [x,y] and radius z.savg
: Average rating of restaurant inside the circle.std
: Standard deviation of rating of restaurants inside the circle.
Retrieves a list of all restaurants.
GET /statistics?latitude=x&longitude=y&radius=z
Retrieves the count, average of rating and standard deviation of restaurants within a given radius of a location. Parameters include:
latitude: float - the latitude of the location
longitude: float - the longitude of the location
radius: int - the radius (in meters) to search for restaurants
GET /{id}
Retrieves a specific restaurant by ID.
Creates a new restaurant. The request body should include a RestaurantCreate
POST /bulk_create
Creates multiple new restaurants. The request body should include a list of RestaurantCreate
POST /bulk_create_from_csv
Creates multiple new restaurants from a CSV file. The file should be included in the request body as a UploadFile
PUT /{id}
Updates an existing restaurant. The request body should include a RestaurantUpdate
DELETE /{id}
Deletes an existing restaurant.
Error Handling
In case of error, an HTTPException
will be raised with a message and status code.
You will need to install Poetry to install project's dependencies
$ curl -sSL | python3 -
Locate where Poetry is installed
$ whereis poetry
Copy and replace poetry's path to this line and added it at the end of the .bashrc
$ export PATH="$HOME/.poetry/bin:$PATH"
Clone the repository
$ git clone
Enter into project's root folder and run:
$ poetry install
It should create a .venv
folder, generating a virtual enviroment with all project's dependencies
To run the project, you need to activate the virtual environment. For that, you can run this command:
$ poetry shell
And finally, to run the server:
$ uvicorn main:app --reload
- FastAPI - The framework used
- Uvicorn - The light-fast ASGI server
- Pydantic - Data Validator using Python type annotations
- SQLModel - Database ORM based in SQLAlchemy and Pydantic
- GeoAlchemy2 - Provides extensions to SQLAlchemy for working with spatial databases.
- Alembic - Database migration tool
README ⌨️ with ❤️ by Arkemix30 😊