JavaFX This project was bootstrapped with 5 teammates tears, passions, laughs, and excitements!!
Inspiration We started with wanting to build a social application for people to build a character sheet easily without having to pay for the $20 PDF What it does Put together a character using Mage the ascension 20th anniversary edition
Using that data, we can connect people from around the world with their character sheets
How we built it We built our app using JavaFX, one main controller, 6 controllers, and of course, JavaFX
APIs we used: N/A
Challenges we ran into The main challenge hit us close to our deadline, we need to convert all progress bars in a previous patch over to Text due to the constraints of JavaFX. We continue to get loading errors when trying to initialize more than 12 of these elements.
Accomplishments that we're proud of We're proud of successfully completing an appliction that you can't find on the internet (really we tried).
What we learned We learned that Git can make or break a project, and it is highly important to be on the same page with this.
What's next for us? We want to hear feedback from our users!!
[Windows] Install Git bash on Windows filesystem.
Command: git clone
Compilation [Eclipse]:
Use Java 11
Import external jar in Project -> Properties -> jfxrt
VM arguments: --module-path /path/to/java/sdk/lib --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml