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License: Apache 2

Artemis is a deployment system for high visibility, easy configuration management and rapid deployment. Artemis currently supports two deployment mechanisms: Roller and Docker. Roller is a deployment system created and open sourced by Groupon to solve the problem of repeatable deployments. Docker is a common platform for using Linux containers.




artemis> ./activator stage


The artifacts from the build are in artemis/target/universal/stage and should be copied to an appropriate directory on the Artemis host(s).


In the installation's bin directory there are scripts to start Artemis: artemis (Linux/Mac) and artemis.bat (Windows). One of these should be executed on system start with appropriate parameters. For example:

/usr/local/lib/artemis/bin/artemis -J-Xmn150m -J-XX:+UseG1GC -Dhttp.port=80 -Dpidfile.path=/usr/local/var/ARTEMIS_PID



Artemis is based around the idea that deployments should be organized, repeatable, and audited. The model starts with the concept of an environment. An environment is merely an organizational structure used to hold configuration and the actual units of deployment, stages.


Stages are the fundamental units of deployment. Stages belong to environments and have a list of hostclasses associated with them. When deploying, a release is combined with the configuration of a stage and pushed to the hosts in the set of hostclasses for that stage.


A release is a set of packages and versions to be deployed somewhere.


A manifest is the combination of a release and rendered configuration applied to a stage. A manifest is what is actually deployed to a host.

Running the app

./sbt run to run in dev mode

./sbt start to run in prod mode


There are several things Artemis needs to be able to function properly:

  1. A database: we encourage the use of PostgreSQL as the DBMS
  2. An ssh private key: Artemis uses SSH to connect to hosts. Key-based authentication is the only method supported
  3. A roller config server: If you want to use roller, you need to provide a config server to vend the base configurations
  4. A github server for authentication: You can use GitHub Enterprise or GitHub public


See the sample config for available configuration options.

Aside from the JVM command line arguments, you may provide two additional configuration files. The first is the LogBack configuration file. To use a custom logging configuration simply add the following argument to the command line above:


Where /usr/local/lib/artemis/logger.xml is the path to your logging configuration file. The included default logging configuration file is automatically applied if one is not specified. Please refer to LogBack documentation for more information on how to author a configuration file.

The second configuration is for the application. To use a custom configuration simply add the following argument to the command line above:


Where /usr/local/lib/artemis/application.custom.conf is the path to your application configuration file. The included default application configuration file in the project documents and demonstrates many of the configuration options available. To use the default application configuration file it needs to be specified on start-up:


To author a custom application configuration it is recommended you inherit from the default application configuration file and provide any desired configuration as overrides. Please refer to Play Framework documentation for more information on how to author a configuration file.


Artemis intentionally uses a custom default application configuration and custom default routes specification. This allows projects extending it to supplement functionality more easily with the standard default application configuration and routes. To use these files as extensions rather than replacements you should make the following changes.

First, add dependencies on Artemis code and assets in project/Build.scala:

"com.groupon" %% "artemis" % "VERSION",
"com.groupon" %% "artemis" % "VERSION" classifier "assets",

Second, your extending project's application configuration should include the custom default configuration in conf/application.conf:

include "artemis.application.conf"

Third, your extending project's application configuration should restore the default router in conf/application.conf:

application.router = null

Finally, your extending project's routes specification should include the custom default routes in conf/routes:

-> / artemis.Routes


Published under Apache Software License 2.0, see LICENSE

(c) Arpnetworking, Inc., 2018