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Performance Test

License: Apache 2 Jenkins Build Maven Artifact

Extensions to JUnit and JUnitBenchmarks to execute performance tests with results published in JSON and support for profiling cpu of each test execution with hprof.


Add Dependency

Determine the latest version of the performance test in Maven Central.


Add a dependency to your pom:


The Maven Central repository is included by default.


Add a dependency to your build.gradle:

testCompile group: 'com.arpnetworking.test', name: 'performance-test', version: 'VERSION'

Add the Maven Central Repository into your build.gradle:

repositories {


Add a dependency to your project/Build.scala:

val appDependencies = Seq(
    "com.arpnetworking.test" % "performance-test" % "VERSION" % Test

The Maven Central repository is included by default.

Test Definition

First, create a test class with a new relevant suffix; we recommend "" for unit performance tests or "" for integration performance tests. Next, annotate the test class with @BenchmarkOptions:

@BenchmarkOptions(callgc = true, benchmarkRounds = 10, warmupRounds = 5)

Then, define a static JsonBenchmarkConsumer and non-static TestRule. The specified path in the consumer declaration is for the JSON test results file. For example:

private static final JsonBenchmarkConsumer JSON_BENCHMARK_CONSUMER = new JsonBenchmarkConsumer(
public final TestRule _benchMarkRule = new BenchmarkRule(JSON_BENCHMARK_CONSUMER);

Next, in your pom.xml file define a profile for executing your unit performance tests:

                <parallel combine.self="override" />

The key points in the profile are:

  • Overrides the default test configuration.
  • Executes only tests ending with or
  • Ensures tests are executed serially.

Finally, define your test methods and execute:

> mvn -PunitPerformanceTest test

The results for each test are written out as JSON to the file specified in the consumer. Note that each test method has its own object inside the array.


Additionally, there are two sample performance tests in the test directory for reference:

Profile Generation

To enable profiling with performance tests first add the following to the surefire plugin configuration in your performance test profile:

<argLine combine.self="override">-agentlib:hprof=cpu=samples,depth=20,interval=10,force=y,verbose=y,doe=n,file=${basedir}/target/perf.unit.hprof.txt</argLine>

The key points in the configuration are:

  • Fork for each test class execution.
  • Do not reuse forks.
  • Enable the hprof java agent.
  • Enable cpu profiling.
  • Specify the output file.
  • Overwrite the output file if necessary.
  • Do not dump profiling information on exit.
  • Write the combined profile data to a path that is guaranteed to exist.

For non-parameterized tests, one profile will be captured per test method invocation.

For parameterized tests, one profile will be captured per argument matrix and test method invocation.

Next, we strongly recommend resetting the cpu profile before each test suite execution by adding the following to each performance test class:

public static void setUp() {

It is important that you perform all fixture initialization before the prepareClass call. This prevents test fixture initialization cost/time from counting towards the profile of the test. This may require having more test suites than you would normally have for unit or integration testing because all fixtures are static. The call to prepareClass must be in @BeforeClass due to design constraints from junitbenchmark.

Finally, the profile does not separate warm-up and benchmarking runs of the test. The profile includes cpu sampling across all executions of the test. The timing data in the JSON does separate the benchmarking and warmup runs.

The profiling output file for a test will be in the same directory as the test's JSON file as passed to the test's JsonBenchmarkConsumer instance. Further, the specific profiling file will be referenced in the JSON in a field called profileFile.




performance-test> ./ ./mvnw verify

To execute unit performance tests:

metrics-aggregator-daemon> ./ ./mvnw -PunitPerformanceTest test

To use the local version you must first install it locally:

performance-test> ./ ./mvnw install

You can determine the version of the local build from the pom file. Using the local version is intended only for testing or development.

You may also need to add the local repository to your build in order to pick-up the local version:

  • Maven - Included by default.
  • Gradle - Add mavenLocal() to build.gradle in the repositories block.
  • SBT - Add resolvers += Resolver.mavenLocal into project/plugins.sbt.


Published under Apache Software License 2.0, see LICENSE

© Groupon Inc., 2014