Package for quick view and copy all necessary information about current opened file.
This package could works with optional dependencies as projectile/project.el and all-the-icons.
(use-package hydra)
(use-package browse-at-remote)
Optional dependencies:
For showing information as a popup window you need to install the posframe package.
(use-package posframe)
This project is fully compatible with
(use-package file-info
:ensure t
:bind (("C-c d" . 'file-info-show))
(setq hydra-hint-display-type 'posframe)
(setq hydra-posframe-show-params `(:poshandler posframe-poshandler-frame-center
:internal-border-width 2
:internal-border-color "#61AFEF"
:left-fringe 16
:right-fringe 16)))
(use-package file-info
:straight (:host github :repo "artawower/file-info.el")
:bind (("C-c d" . 'file-info-show))
(setq hydra-hint-display-type 'posframe)
(setq hydra-posframe-show-params `(:poshandler posframe-poshandler-frame-center
:internal-border-width 2
:internal-border-color "#61AFEF"
:left-fringe 16
:right-fringe 16)))