A professional-grade web dashboard to analyze stock portfolios, optimize asset allocation, and visualize portfolio performance.
- Live Stock Prices using Yahoo Finance API
- Portfolio Risk & Performance Metrics (Sharpe Ratio, Volatility, VaR)
- Portfolio Optimization with Efficient Frontier
- Monte Carlo Simulations for future projections
- Interactive Graphs & Visualizations
git clone https://github.com/AruneshDev/quant-portfolio-dashboard.git
cd quant-portfolio-dashboard
docker compose up --build
📊 Portfolio Projections Page
The Projections Page uses Monte Carlo Simulations to forecast portfolio growth based on:
✅ Number of simulations
✅ Investment horizon (years)
✅ Expected returns based on weighted historical average return of portfolio
🔹 How to Access the Projections Page?
Once the dashboard is running: 1️⃣ Open
2️⃣ Click 📈 "Go to Projections"
3️⃣ View future portfolio performance using interactive charts