A MERN stack application to help users engage in meaningful activities instead of wasting time on social media reels. This app provides users with curated suggestions for indoor and outdoor activities, journaling, deep work tracking, and even discovering fun events in their area.
- Activity Listing: View a curated list of indoor and outdoor activities.
- Random Activity Generator: Get random activity suggestions.
- Add Activities: Admins can add new activities to the list.
- Journal Page: Write, save, and delete journal entries.
- Deep Work Tracker: Plan deep work sessions with a timer and task logs.
- Fun Events Finder: Search for fun events near you using the Eventbrite API.
- Google Login: Secure authentication using Firebase.
- Responsive Design: Accessible on desktop and mobile devices.
- Integrated Frontend and Backend: Run the entire project seamlessly.
- React.js
- Axios for API requests
- React Router for navigation
- Firebase Authentication
- Node.js with Express.js
- MongoDB for database
- Mongoose for data modeling
- Eventbrite API for fetching events
- CORS for cross-origin requests
- Git and GitHub for version control
- Concurrently for running frontend and backend simultaneously
- Netlify for frontend hosting
- Render/Heroku for backend hosting
- Node.js (v14 or higher)
- MongoDB (local or cloud-based, such as MongoDB Atlas)
Follow these steps to set up and run the project locally.
git clone https://github.com/your-username/reels-alternatives.git
cd reels-alternatives
npm start