Welcome to the Weather Website, a web application that allows users to check the current weather and forecast for various locations. With a clean and intuitive interface, users can easily search for a specific location and obtain detailed weather information.
- Weather Search: Enter the name of a city or location to retrieve the current weather conditions.
- Forecast Display: View the weather forecast for the next few days, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and weather description.
A live demo of the game is available here.
The Weather Website provides real-time weather data by utilizing an API to fetch weather information for the requested location. Users can simply type in the name of a city or location in the search bar, and the website will retrieve and display the current weather conditions along with a forecast for the upcoming days.
- Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Weather API: OpenWeatherMap

To run the Weather Website locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Aryan-Patil/Weather_website.git
- Open the project directory in your preferred code editor.
- Open
in a web browser. - Start searching for weather by entering a location in the search bar.