- I am the Lens Champion, Developer Advocate & Ambassador of Lens IDE
- DevOps 🥑 & OpenSource 💜 Contributor
- Highly interested in Networking🌏 & Collaboration with folks
- Mostly contributing in:
- Machine-Learning & LLMs 🤖
- Cloud-Native computing☁️
- Platform and Infrastructure Security
- Platform Engineering & Infrastructure as Code
- Kubernetes☸️ & Web-Assembly
- MERN-Stack Development & API Integrations 🌐 & learning a lot more everyday
To collaborate:
Just bang the Twitter button, as i m highly active on Twitter 😃
I am also a Youtube Content Cretor, Technical Writer at Hashnode & have a community at Discord to discuss about all of these domains.
Helping developers & students in the domain to find information about different tools, services, platforms and integrations along with various opportunities of workshops, fellowships and mentorships availaible in the field of WebDev, API Integrations, DevOps, Cloud, CloudNative, Platform Engineering, AI & LLMs, through technical blogs, youtube videos and perosnnel help through community channel at Discord & Youtube.