This action build Unity project.
And, can run on Linux, Mac, Windows, or self-hosted.
Required For example, 2018.4.16f1
Required Unity username.
Required Unity password.
Required Unity serial.
Required Choose Android
, iOS
, Windows
, or WebGL
Unity project path. Default .
Use by -executeMethod. Default UnityBuild.BatchBuild.Build
Output path of default execute-method. Default Output
Build command args.
If you have any other inputs you'd like to add, feel free to create PR.
Welcome your contributions!
- uses: yukiarrr/[email protected]
unity-version: 2018.4.12f1
unity-username: ${{ secrets.UNITY_USERNAME }}
unity-password: ${{ secrets.UNITY_PASSWORD }}
unity-serial: ${{ secrets.UNITY_SERIAL }}
build-target: iOS
- uses: yukiarrr/[email protected]
unity-version: 2018.4.12f1
unity-username: ${{ secrets.UNITY_USERNAME }}
unity-password: ${{ secrets.UNITY_PASSWORD }}
unity-serial: ${{ secrets.UNITY_SERIAL }}
build-target: iOS
- uses: yukiarrr/[email protected]
project-path: Output/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj
p12-base64: ${{ secrets.P12_BASE64 }}
mobileprovision-base64: ${{ secrets.MOBILEPROVISION_BASE64 }}
code-signing-identity: ${{ secrets.CODE_SIGNING_IDENTITY }}
team-id: ${{ secrets.TEAM_ID }}