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Upgrade to Asch v1.4.1

Peili Liang edited this page Aug 4, 2018 · 1 revision

Basic information

Version:v1.4.1 Installation package snapshot:

(Mainland China)

(Hong Kong)

Database snapshot:

(Mainland China)

(Hong Kong)

Upgrade from old version

  • Stop the running node: ./aschd stop
  • Download aschd: wget
  • Add execution privilege:chmod a+x aschd
  • Upgrade:./aschd upgrade
  • Rebuild:./aschd rebuild, choose the right option based on your server location
  • Start the node:./aschd start

New installation

  • Download the installation package based on you server location
  • tar zvxf asch-linux-1.4.1-mainnet.tar.gz
  • cd asch-linux-1.4.1-mainnet
  • Rebuild:./aschd rebuild, choose the right option based on your server location
  • Start the node:./aschd start

Install from source code

  • cd asch directory,pull the latest master code:git pull
  • checkout to 1.4.1 tag: git checkout v1.4.1
  • npm install
  • Rebuild:./aschd rebuild, choose the right option based on your server location
  • Start the node:NET_VERSION=mainnet node app.js --daemon