Its a MERN stack responsive real time Chat Application.
Deployment link -
Test data for login -
- Email - [email protected]
- Password - ashwin123
- User can create one on one chats or group chats with other users.
- User can search other registered user by their name and email and can start chatting with them in real time or add them in a group.
- User need to authenticate themselves in order to use the application. So the application contains user login and sign up feature.
- User can create a group, edit a group, add members to it (admin only), remove members from it (admin only) and can leave the group if he wants to.
- A user can visit his own profile as well as the profile of a user he is chating with.
- All the chats of a users with different people are stored in a database, so they are persistent and available whenever a user logs in.
- Real time typing animation is implemented which will indicate the reciever about the typing status of the sender.
- Real time notifications are implemented so that a user will get a notification about recent messages if an active chat is not present.
- React.js
- Chakra UI
- Context API
- client
- Axios
- react-lottie
- react-notification-badge
- Node.js
- Experess.js
- MongoDB Database
- Mongoose ODM
- Web Sockets
- JSON Web Token
- Bcrypt
- Render