Welcome to the Cats Social Media Service. An application where cat owners can match their cats with each other. This service has implemented clean architecture principles, a practical software architecture solution from Robert C. Martin (known as Uncle Bob).
The following are some of the updates in this latest version of the content management system:
- Standardize the response format.
- Refactor algorithm including handler, usecase, and repository layer.
- Add custom middlewares and validator.
- Update database schema.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Clone the git repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/Assyatier21/cats-social-media.git
$ cd cats-social-media
- Install Dependencies
$ go mod tidy
- Adjust Configuration
$ cp .env.example .env
Then update config file as needed. I think you are quite easy for a smart person like you:)
$ go run cmd/main.go
or simply
$ make run
$ go test -v -coverprofile coverage.out ./...
please follow this tutorial as well.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.