Project for Software Engineering Practice module; I refactored a Java client-server program using:
- Command design pattern
- Functional expressions
- Object-oriented design principles (i.e encapsulation, documentation, reduced duplication)
- JUnit testing
- Static code analysis
- Test coverage tools
- Version control
The client can be ran from an IDE capable of compiling Java, the main arguments can be set via the project configuration. Required arguments are : user name, host name and port number. E.g. Aston localhost 8888. The server can be concurrently ran via a command line by navigating to the root project folder, and entering '-cp build\classes sep.seeter.server.Server [port number]'.
- NetBeans IDE 8.2 - The IDE used.
- JaCoCo - Java Code Coverage library.
- FindBugs™ - Java static code analysis tool.
- EasyPmd - NetBeans Java static code analysis plugin.
- Lizard - Code complexity analyser.
- Raymond Hu - Initial project - Dr Raymond Hu
- Aston Turner - All modifications - Aston13
- Dr Raymond Hu and Dr Joseph Williams for setting up this assignment and providing me with a platform to further my learning.