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FMV Injector lets you set up various methods for modifying content in the Farm Merge Valley discord game. Inspired by @wooslow's archive.


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[Discord] - FarmMergeValley Injector

FMV Injector lets you set up various methods for modifying content in the Farm Merge Valley discord game. This project follows on from @wooslow's repositorie on the same subject. Perform these steps preferably from a Google Chrome browser. There is currently no guarantee that these methods will work on other browsers. These methods go against the rules of the game's developers, and waves of bans have already occurred. I am in no way responsible for your actions. Please use this tool with full knowledge of the risks involved.


Common part of each method

Each of the methods described here works in the same way. The game needs to be “paused” at the right moment to access certain elements that are normally blocked. The differences between these methods are the information to be retrieved, the precise moment to break the script, the action to be taken to break the script, etc... Even if these parts change depending on the method, the beginning remains the same.


  • Launch of Farm Merge Valley on discord (and never close it again until the end)
  • Open the browser console (by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+I on Windows/Linux or Cmd+Opt+I on MacOS)
  • Your game should now be "paused". In the CONSOLE tab, write the following command and press ENTER :
Function.prototype.constructor = function() {};
  • Click on the Resume script execution button (see image below) (it's the blue button)

  • In the SOURCE tab, find the file named main.js located at top/ (see image below)

From now on, the next steps will depend on each method. Make sure you've followed exactly the steps described in this section before moving on.

[METHOD 1] : giveInventoryItem

What you can get with this method ?
Parameter Description
coins Yellow coins
gems Purple gems
exp Experience
levels Levels
crates Crates with items
energy Energy for activities
tickets Train tickets
wheat Wheat
egg Egg
sunflower Sunflower
milk Milk
sugarcane Sugarcane
bacon Bacon
carrot Carrot
goatmilk Goat milk
soybeans Soybeans
wool Wool
corn Corn
fur Fur
coffeebeans Coffee beans
tomato Tomato
avocado Avocado
truffle Truffle
Click to expand the information

Make sure you've followed exactly the steps described in the “Common part of each method” section before moving on to this one.


  • In main.js file,
  • Search the file (by pressing CTRL+F)
  • Write the following command and press ENTER :
this['servi' + 'ces']['mapGr' + 'id']['getCe' + 'll']
  • There will normally be 9 results. Navigate to the 2nd result and set a breakpoint by clicking on the left of the line in the grey area (see image below)
  • Return to the game and moove an object (the game should stop again)
  • In the CONSOLE tab, write the following command and press ENTER :
worldServices =
  • You can now go back to the main.js file in the SOURCE tab, then remove the breakpoint (by clicking on it again) and click on the Resume script execution button again

Setting up the function

  • In the CONSOLE tab, write the following command and press ENTER :
let giveInventoryItem = (target, amount) => {
    return worldServices.rewardService.giveInventoryReward({
        "reward": {"key": target, "amount": amount},
        "parent": worldServices.mapGridView._view.parent.parent.parent

Use injection

You're all set! Now all you have to do is enter the following command in the CONSOLE tab and press ENTER :

giveInventoryItem("item", amount);

Don't forget to replace the item argument with one of the parameters in the What you can get with this method? table of this method, and amount with the amount you want.

[METHOD 2] : spawnUpgradeCard

Click to expand the information Make sure you've followed exactly the steps described in the “Common part of each method” section before moving on to this one.


  • In main.js file,
  • Search the file (by pressing CTRL+F)
  • Write the following command and press ENTER :
['_forc' + 'edLoo' + 't'] = []
  • Set a breakpoint by clicking on the left of the line in the grey area (see image below)
  • Return to the game and merge three objects (e.g. eggs, wheat). The game will only stop if you merge tier 3 objects.
  • In the SOURCE tab, find the loot section at Local/this/_data/loot (see image below)
  • Replace one of the elements with “upgrade_card_1”, “upgrade_card_2” or “upgrade_card_3” to suit your needs (see image below)
  • You can now go back to the main.js file in the SOURCE tab, then remove the breakpoint (by clicking on it again) and click on the Resume script execution button again
  • All you have to do now is click on the merged item in the game, and the upgrade card should appear.

[METHOD 3] : spawnBubbledObject

What you can get with this method ?


Parameter Description Image
ticket Ticket
coin_1 Coins (up to coin_8)
gem_1 Gems (up to gem_6)
crate_1 Crates (up to crate_2)
energy_1 Energy (up to energy_4)
wood_1 Wood (up to wood_8)
stone_1 Stone (up to stone_8)
tool_1 Tool (up to tool_10)
flower_1 Flower (up to flower_10)
sapling_1 Sapling (up to sapling_3)
greenhouse_1 Greenhouse (up to greenhouse_12)
toolbox_small Small toolbox
toolbox_medium Medium toolbox
toolbox_large Large toolbox
rock_small Small rock
rock_medium Medium rock
rock_large Large rock
tree_small Small tree
tree_medium Medium tree
tree_large Large tree
reward_crate_daily_bonus Daily bonus gift
reward_crate_key_bronze Bronze key
reward_crate_key_silver Silver key
reward_crate_key_gold Gold key
reward_crate_bronze Bronze chest
reward_crate_silver Silver chest
reward_crate_gold Gold chest
golden_carrot Golden carrot
reward_crate_key_golden_carrot Golden carrot key
reward_crate_golden_carrot Golden carrot chest
golden_pumpkin Golden pumpkin
reward_crate_key_golden_pumpkin Golden pumpkin key
reward_crate_golden_pumpkin Golden pumpkin chest
reward_crate_key_jingleballs Jingleballs key
reward_crate_jingleballs Jingleballs chest



Parameter Description Image
decorative_barn Barn
decorative_birdshouse Birdshouse
decorative_chickencoop Chickencoop
decorative_doghouse Doghouse
decorative_farmhouse Farmhouse
decorative_feedingtrough Feeding Trough
decorative_flowerpots Flowerpots
decorative_fountain Fountain
decorative_haywagon Haywagon
decorative_lamppost Lamppost
decorative_milktank Milktank
decorative_picknicktable Picnic Table
decorative_shed Shed
decorative_silo Silo
decorative_stoneflowerpot Stone Flowerpot
decorative_toilet Toilet
decorative_watertower Water Tower
decorative_well Well
decorative_windmill Windmill


Parameter Description Image
decorative_halloween_blackcat BlackCat
decorative_halloween_cauldron Cauldron
decorative_halloween_ghosts Ghosts
decorative_halloween_grandfatherclock Grandfather Clock
decorative_halloween_grave01 Grave 01
decorative_halloween_grave02 Grave 02
decorative_halloween_graveyard Graveyard
decorative_halloween_hauntedhouse Haunted House
decorative_halloween_pumpkinpatchbig Pumpkin Patch (Big)
decorative_halloween_pumpkins01 Pumpkins 01
decorative_halloween_pumpkins02 Pumpkins 02
decorative_halloween_pumpkins03 Pumpkins 03
decorative_halloween_pumpkins04 Pumpkins 04
decorative_halloween_skeletonbench Skeleton Bench
decorative_halloween_skeletoncarousel Skeleton Carousel
decorative_halloween_skeletonpicnic Skeleton Picnic
decorative_halloween_skullaltar Skull Altar
decorative_halloween_treeface Tree Face
decorative_halloween_well Well


Parameter Description Image
decorative_christmas_candygate CandyGate
decorative_christmas_elfmail ElfMail
decorative_christmas_elfteddy ElfTeddy
decorative_christmas_elftrain ElfTrain
decorative_christmas_fireplace Fireplace
decorative_christmas_gift01 Gift 01
decorative_christmas_gift02 Gift 02
decorative_christmas_gift03 Gift 03
decorative_christmas_gingerbell Gingerbell
decorative_christmas_gingerbreadhouse GingerbreadHouse
decorative_christmas_gingerbreadhousesmall GingerbreadHouseSmall
decorative_christmas_gingerbreadsnow GingerbreadSnow
decorative_christmas_nutcracker Nutcracker
decorative_christmas_santagift SantaGift
decorative_christmas_santamail SantaMail
decorative_christmas_sleigh Sleigh
decorative_christmas_snowcaroling SnowCaroling
decorative_christmas_snowdinner SnowDinner
decorative_christmas_snowfight SnowFight
decorative_christmas_snowgifting SnowGifting
decorative_christmas_snowglobe SnowGlobe
decorative_christmas_snowjello SnowJello
decorative_christmas_snowlantern SnowLantern
decorative_christmas_snowreindeer SnowReindeer
decorative_christmas_snowtelescope SnowTelescope
decorative_christmas_treebig TreeBig
golden_christmas_tree_1 GoldenTree 1
golden_christmas_tree_2 GoldenTree 2
golden_christmas_tree_3 GoldenTree 3
golden_christmas_tree_4 GoldenTree 4
golden_jingleball_1 GoldenJingleBall 1
golden_jingleball_2 GoldenJingleBall 2
golden_jingleball_3 GoldenJingleBall 3
golden_jingleball_4 GoldenJingleBall 4
Click to expand the information

Make sure you've followed exactly the steps described in the “Common part of each method” section before moving on to this one.


  • In main.js file,
  • Search the file (by pressing CTRL+F)
  • Write the following command and press ENTER :
this['servi' + 'ces']['mapGr' + 'id']['getCe' + 'll']
  • There will normally be 9 results. Navigate to the 2nd result and set a breakpoint by clicking on the left of the line in the grey area (see image below)
  • Return to the game and moove an object (the game should stop again)
  • In the CONSOLE tab, write the following command and press ENTER :
worldServices =
  • You can now go back to the main.js file in the SOURCE tab, then remove the breakpoint (by clicking on it again) and click on the Resume script execution button again

Setting up the function

  • In the CONSOLE tab, write the following command and press ENTER :
let spawnBubbledObject = (target) => {
    return worldServices.rewardService.giveObjectReward({
      "rewards": [target],
      "container": worldServices.mapGridView._view.parent.parent.parent,
      "animationEndEvent": null,
      "bubblePosition": {"x": 0, "y": -200}

Use injection

You're all set! Now all you have to do is enter the following command in the CONSOLE tab and press ENTER :


Don't forget to replace the item argument with one of the parameters in the What you can get with this method? table of this method.

[METHOD 4] : removeAllObstacles

Click to expand the information Make sure you've followed exactly the steps described in the “Common part of each method” section before moving on to this one.


  • In main.js file,
  • Search the file (by pressing CTRL+F)
  • Write the following command and press ENTER :
this['servi' + 'ces']['mapGr' + 'id']['getCe' + 'll']
  • There will normally be 9 results. Navigate to the 2nd result and set a breakpoint by clicking on the left of the line in the grey area (see image below)
  • Return to the game and moove an object (the game should stop again)
  • In the CONSOLE tab, write the following command and press ENTER :
worldServices =
  • You can now go back to the main.js file in the SOURCE tab, then remove the breakpoint (by clicking on it again) and click on the Resume script execution button again

Use injection

  • In the CONSOLE tab, write the following command and press ENTER :>x.hasBehavior("hitpoints") && !x.hasBehavior("shovelable") && !x.hasBehavior("movable")).forEach(x=>

[METHOD 5] : setLuckyMergeChance

Click to expand the information

Make sure you've followed exactly the steps described in the “Common part of each method” section before moving on to this one.


  • In main.js file,
  • Search the file (by pressing CTRL+F)
  • Write the following command and press ENTER :
this['servi' + 'ces']['mapGr' + 'id']['getCe' + 'll']
  • There will normally be 9 results. Navigate to the 2nd result and set a breakpoint by clicking on the left of the line in the grey area (see image below)
  • Return to the game and moove an object (the game should stop again)
  • In the CONSOLE tab, write the following command and press ENTER :
worldServices =
  • You can now go back to the main.js file in the SOURCE tab, then remove the breakpoint (by clicking on it again) and click on the Resume script execution button again

Setting up the function

  • In the CONSOLE tab, write the following command and press ENTER :
let setLuckyMergeChance = (percentage) => worldServices.mapGridView._view.parent.parent.parent._systems.find(x => x._luckyMergeChance)._luckyMergeChance = percentage;

Use injection

You're all set! Now all you have to do is enter the following command in the CONSOLE tab and press ENTER :


Don't forget to replace the percentage argument with a number between 0 and 100. Setting 100 as an argument means that the lucky merge will always take place, and setting 0 as an argument means that the lucky merge will never take place (the default value is 5).

Additional Informations

Discord :

  • Any question ? Any malfunction ? Contact me on here.


FMV Injector lets you set up various methods for modifying content in the Farm Merge Valley discord game. Inspired by @wooslow's archive.








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