This is outdated, best to refer to tests for actual examples
This project contains some experiments in creating a physics engine for scala/scala-js; I started it while reading and adapting this series of articles which use imperative programming and C++ for Scala and FP. At the moment it implements:
- A generic numeric integrator based on the spire typeclasses
- Auto-derivation of type-classes via the shapeless product generalisation:
VectorSpace[S, S]
is automatically derived for anyS
that hasField[S]
instanceVectorSpace[V, S]
is automatically derived for anyV
that is a product of typesVx
for whichVectorSpace[Vx, S]
The integrator is accessible via the astrac.galileo.rk4.integrate
function, which is defined as:
def integrate[FN, VS, VD, S, VRepr](
fn: FN
samplingTimes: Iterable[S], minDt: S, maxDt: S, startState: Option[VS] = None
implicit int: Integrable[FN, VS, VD, S, VRepr], vs: VectorSpace[VRepr, S], sOrd: Order[S]
): Iterable[VS]
The arguments are:
The function to integratesamplingTimes
An iterable of times at which the integral must be calculatedminDt
The preferred rate of calculation (the smaller this is, the more precise the result is)maxDt
The inverse of the minimum rate of calculation
The generalisation is based on a shared generic representation of the state and the derivative types of the (differential) function being integrated. This generic representation must form a VectorSpace
with the scalar type, which in turn must be ordered via the Order
The Integrable
implicit is used to provide this generalisation and it is automatically provided for the following types:
(VS, S) => VD
- A differential function that given a stateVS
and a timeS
produces the derivativeVD
; available only ifVS
:S => VD
- A plain function of timeS
Such an automatic instance of Integrable
is available only if the vector-space parameters have one of:
- An
Integrable.Repr[V, VRepr]
implicitly available - A shapeless product representation accessible via
Generic.Aux[V, VRepr]
import astrac.galileo.rk4
import spire.std.double._ // Bring in scope Field[Double] and Order[Double]
import // Enable auto-generation of needed instances
object SimpleIntegratoin {
// Integrate f(x) = sin(x) between -π and π (result approx 0)
println(rk4.integrate((x: Double) => math.sin(x))((-math.Pi to math.Pi by 0.01), 0.01, 0.01).last)
object KinematicIntegration {
// Integrate kinematic equations
case class Vec(x: Double, y: Double)
case class Particle(pos: Vec, vel: Vec)
case class Derivative(vel: Vec, acc: Vec)
// Constant downward acceleration of -1 m/s²
val acc = Vec(0, -1.0)
// Particle starts from (0, 0) with v(x) = 1 m/s and v(y) = 2 m/s
val initial = Particle(Vec(0, 0.0001), Vec(1, 2))
val fn = (b: Particle, _: Double) => Derivative(b.vel, acc)
// Simulate over a constant ticker
val ticks = Stream.from(0).map(_.toDouble / 100)
// Integrate until the particle "hits the ground"
val trajectory = rk4.integrate(fn)(
).takeWhile(_.pos.y > 0)
// The last point of the trajectory is 4 meters ahead and hits with a vertical speed of -2 m/s
For more examples see tests.
Things that I would like to do:
- Tidy up the
definition, maybe provide overloaded functions that do not use them as they are important only when thesamplingTimes
depend on external factors - Write some tests with scala-check
- Generalise concepts like kinematics, kinetics and so on
- Create a simulation engine that can use the generic concepts above
- Optimise for performance (e.g. use specialised types, reduce allocation of implicit objects)
- Create a scala-js playground showing the library's features
- Support other integration algorithms (e.g. euler, verlet)