Web app with frontend in Svelte, backend in Node.js with Express and Discord bot using Node.js with Discord.js v14 for the Inter-/Actief/ RIAlly.
- Create a Discord server. Help
- Create an empty catregory for teams
- Set the default privelage to not read channels
- Create an category for locations
- Create a channel for start, location 1, location 2, location 3 and crazy88
- Set the default privalage to not read channels for location 1, 2, 3
- Create a discord bot. Help
- Set the permissions to TODO (use admin for now)
There are 2 ways to setup your development enviroment, you can choose either.
Prerequisites: Docker installed
cp frontend/src/lib/settings.json.example frontend/src/lib/settings.json
cp .env.example .env
Put in your .env the required variables. You get these from the Discord developer portal or the Discord server.
docker compose up
You have to start 3 pocesses. Prerequisites: Node.js and npm installed
cd bot
npm i
cp .env.example .env
Put in your .env the required variables. You get these from the Discord developer portal or the Discord server.
Start the bot by running
npm run dev
cd backend
npm i
cp .env.example .env
I run a local database. Make sure you hava a database with a user that can do basically anything (this includes creating and deleting databases). Run this commanmd to create all the tables in your databae.
npx prisma migrate dev
Fill in your database user, password and host in the database url in the .env
npm run dev
Slash commands are not like you might know discord bot commands. The layout of the command (i.e. name, arguments etc.) Is managed in registerCommands.ts
This means if you want to change this you have to run. The command names (i.e. 'help') are hardcoded in index.ts
, so if you make a new command or change a name, you have to change is there is well.
npm run register
npx prisma db seed
This will seed your DB. It makes a admin user and committee team. This way you can login with the username admin
and password adminadmin
. It is recommended to change the password to something more secure. You can do so at the settings page.
cd frontend
npm i
cp src/lib/settings.json.example src/lib/settings.json
npm run dev
The following needs to happen to deploy the app in Doccker.
Set the url of the socket server and api in /src/lib/settings.json
npm run build
This builds the app as a single page application and puts the static files in /dist
. This can than be hosten on a static file server.
First make sure the correct variables are set in the .env
cd ./backend
docker build . -t "rially-api:1.0.0" -f Dockerfile.prod
First make sure the correct variables are set in the .env
cd ./bot
docker build . -t "rially-bot:1.0.0" -f Dockerfile.prod
Example caddy config:
(common) {
encode {
handle_errors {
rewrite * /{err.status_code}
reverse_proxy https://http.cat {
header_up Host {upstream_hostport}
replace_status {err.status_code}
rially.nautdevroome.nl {
root * /var/www/rially
try_files {path} {file} /index.html
bot.rially.nautdevroome.nl {
import common
reverse_proxy :142
api.rially.nautdevroome.nl {
import common
reverse_proxy :140
socket.rially.nautdevroome.nl {
import common
reverse_proxy :141