Hachidori 1.0 Beta 1
New Features
- Anime Exceptions List and ability to correct incorrectly detected Anime Titles. Anime exception lists are exportable/importable
- Ignore Directories and Filenames. File Name Ignore list can use Regular Expressions supported by Oniguruma
- Detection Engine uses open source Anitomy Parser Library by default to parse title and episode from video file
- You can correct episode number using the update status feature (Do not use it when auto scrobbling is turned on)
- Yosemite UI Features (Vibrancy and new unified titlebar) are supported and can be disabled
- Additional information (alternate title, rating, finished airing date) about the updated title is now shown in the status window.
- Stream Detection now supports Webkit
- New toolbar icons
Fixes and Enhancements
- Dialog will show instead of a notification when user opens the program the first time to allow easy access to Preferences so that he/she can login.
- Season detection is now fixed
- Alternate title is now considered when finding the associated slug for a title and is enabled by default
- Fixed memory leak when performing an update
- Removed unnecessary languages and documents with associated frameworks (Sparkle and Ogrekit) resulting in smaller program size.
- Fixed the Hachidori status menu Icon when the menu is open
- Notification will no longer appear if Auto Scrobble at startup is enabled