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WilfredTA committed May 2, 2022
0 parents commit 8dfa0b4
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Showing 92 changed files with 49,064 additions and 0 deletions.
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
## Introduction: Athena's source files and their dependencies

This repo contains the source code for Athena, a system for proof engineering based on polymorphic multi-sorted first-order logic. <br>
Athena is implemented in SML. At its present state, that implementation comprises 80 files, listed in

There are some resources in the repo that specify the dependencies between the various source files:

* `file_dependencies.yaml` lists all the files that each source file depends on.

* `structure_dependencies.yaml` lists all the (SML) structures defined in the code base, and for each structure S, <br> it lists all structures on which S depends.

* `dependency_graph.pdf` is a graph (that can be viewed with any pdf reader, e.g., using a browser), which depicts these dependencies graphically.

Note that `athena.sml` is at the top of the graph (it's essentially the 'main' file of the project), while
`base.sml` is at the bottom.

## Hacking Athena

Developing Athena is best done with smlnj. Bring up smlnj (after installing it), and then do:

`- CM.make("");`

This will compile the entire project. After compilation is done, type:


to enter Athena's main REPL (read-eval-print loop). You can then go back and make more code changes, remake the project <br>
(by executing `- CM.make("");` again), enter the REPL, and so on.

## Producing a stand-alone program with smlnj

* Make an Athena heap image by starting smlnj, compiling (with `- CM.make("");`), and then doing one of the following, <br> depending on how you prefer to use the stand-alone: <br>
* `- SMLofNJ.exportFn("athena_image",fn (_,arg1::_) => (Athena.runWithStarterFileAndQuit(SOME(arg1)); OS.Process.success));` <br> if you want the executable to take as input an Athena file, execute that file, and then quit. This will save a file athena_image.x86-linux (the extension is OS-specic).
* `- SMLofNJ.exportFn("athena_image",fn (_,arg1::_) => (Athena.runWithStarterFile(SOME(arg1)); OS.Process.success));` <br> if you want the executable to take as input an initial Athena file, execute it, and then go into the usual Athena REPL.<br>This will also save a file athena_image.x86-linux locally.

* To start the program with an input file, do the following: `sml @SMLload=athenaImage.x86-linux input_file.ath`

## Producing a stand-alone binary with MLton

Simply run `./make_mlton_binary`. By default, the output will be a natively compiled executable named `athena`.<br><br>
You can run that executable by itself (without any arguments), or you can pass it as an argument the name of an initial<br>
Athena file to load upon starting. After loading, Athena will enter its REPL. If you want Athena to quit after loading <br>
the initial file, pass 'quit' as the second argument to the executable (e.g., `athena some_file.ath quit`). <br><br>
**Note**: The file `` contains the list of source files used by MLton. If you add/delete source files to/from<br>
Athena, you must update both `` and `` as needed.

## Regression testing

Run `python3`. The function `runAthenaTests` will return 0 if all the tests pass and some positive integer <br>
less than 125 otherwise. Thus, this function can be used with `git bisect`, which is useful in debugging a range of commits. By default, <br>
the script runs with a heap image produced by smlnj as described above, but you can also pass it (as the first argument) the name of an <br>
executable produced by MLton (these executables tend to be faster than the heap images produced by smlnj), <br>e.g., `python3 './athena'`.

## Making Athena with C and XSB

To make Athena with C (using MLton's [FFI]( and assuming you have XSB on ~/.xsb, do: <br>

`mlton -default-ann 'allowFFI true' -export-header athena.h -stop tc`

`XSB_arch='ls ~/.xsb/config'`

`gcc -c -I/$XSB_HOME/emu -I/$XSB_HOME/config/$XSB_arch -O3 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall -pipe -D_GNU_SOURCE athena_with_xsb.c`


`if [ 'uname -s' == 'Darwin' ]`<br>
`then mlton -drop-pass deepFlatten -default-ann 'allowFFI true' -output athena-mac -link-opt '-lm -ldl -Wl -lpthread' $XSB_HOME/config/$XSB_arch/saved.o/xsb.o athena_with_xsb.o`<br>
`else mlton -drop-pass deepFlatten -default-ann 'allowFFI true' -output athena-linux -link-opt '-lm -ldl -Wl -export-dynamic -lpthread' $XSB_HOME/config/$XSB_arch/saved.o/xsb.o athena_with_xsb.o`<br>

## A bit of history

Athena was developed by Konstantine Arkoudas, roughly between 2000 and 2015. The core of the language had more or less settled <br>
by 2004, but there were a number of subsequent changes and extensions, some of them conceived and implemented after 2010, <br>
such as modules, a good deal of infix syntax, proof chaining (implemented via the primitive 'chain' procedure, both for equations <br>
and for logical implications/equivalences), integration with SMT solvers and tabled Prolog systems such as XSB, and others.

58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions ab.sig
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@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
The signature of assumption bases.

signature ABASE =

type assum_base

val empty_ab: assum_base

val isMember: Prop.prop * assum_base -> bool

val areMembers: Prop.prop list * assum_base -> bool

val insert: Prop.prop * assum_base -> assum_base

val remove: assum_base * Prop.prop -> assum_base

val augment: assum_base * Prop.prop list -> assum_base

val fetch: assum_base * (Prop.prop -> bool) -> Prop.prop option

val fetchAll: assum_base * (Prop.prop -> bool) -> Prop.prop list

val getAll: assum_base -> Prop.prop list

val getTag: assum_base -> int

val getPropCode: Prop.prop -> int

val occursFree: AthTermVar.ath_term_var * assum_base -> bool

val occursFreeUpToSubsorting: AthTermVar.ath_term_var * assum_base -> bool

(* occursFreeUpToSubsorting uses Prop.occursFreeUpToSubsorting *)

val propCount: unit -> int

val insertions: int ref

val look_ups: int ref

val bucketSizes: unit -> int list
val getBucketSizeStatistics: unit -> string

val getAssertions: assum_base -> Prop.prop list
val addAssertion: Prop.prop * assum_base -> assum_base
val addAssertions: Prop.prop list * assum_base -> assum_base
val isAssertion: Prop.prop * assum_base -> bool

val adjustHashTable: assum_base -> unit

val top_assum_base: assum_base ref

242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions ab.sml
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@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
An implementation of the assumption base signature.

structure ABase: ABASE =

structure HTable = HashTable

exception AssumptionBase

val insertions = ref(0)

val look_ups = ref(0)

val sizeHint = 32257

open Prop

val max_prop_hash_length = getMaxHashLength()

val next_code = ref 2

type code_type = int

val hash = Prop.hash

val hashtable : (prop,(code_type * bool)) HashTable.hash_table =
HashTable.mkTable(hash, (fn (p1,p2) => (Prop.alEq(p1,p2)))) (sizeHint,AssumptionBase)

fun bucketSizes() = HashTable.bucketSizes(hashtable)

fun getBucketSizeStatistics() =
let val bucket_sizes = bucketSizes()
val max_bucket_size = Basic.maxLst(bucket_sizes)
val _ = print("\nMax bucket size: "^(Int.toString(max_bucket_size)))
val A = Array.array(max_bucket_size + 1,0)
fun loop([]) = ()
| loop(sz::more) = (Array.update(A,sz,Array.sub(A,sz) + 1);loop(more))
val _ = loop(bucket_sizes)
val str = "\nThere were "^(Int.toString(length(bucket_sizes)))^" buckets in total."
val str1 = "\nThe sizes were distributed as follows:\n\n"
val AL:int list = Basic.arrayToList(A)
val lines = Basic.mapWithIndex((fn (x,i) => "There were "^(Int.toString(x))^" buckets of size "^(Int.toString(i))),AL)
val str2 = Basic.printListStr(lines,fn x => x,"\n")

fun propCount() = HashTable.numItems(hashtable)

fun printHashTable() =
let val pair_list: (prop * (code_type * bool)) list = HashTable.listItemsi(hashtable)
val res = Basic.printListStr(pair_list,fn (p,(i,b)) => let val s1 = "\nHT prop: "
val s2 = (Prop.toPrettyStringDefault(0,p))
val s3 = ", HT code: " ^ (Int.toString(i))
val s4 = " and HT assertion type: " ^ (Basic.boolToString(b))
s1 ^ s2 ^ s3 ^ s4


fun getPropCodeAux P =
let val res = (case (HashTable.find hashtable P) of
SOME (i,_) => i
| _ => let val i = !next_code
val _ = next_code := !next_code + 1
(HashTable.insert hashtable (P,(i,false));i)

val no_adjustments_yet = ref(true)

fun getPropCode(P) =
if !no_adjustments_yet then
case getCode(P) of
ref(SOME(i)) => i
| _ => let val i = getPropCodeAux(P)
else getPropCodeAux(P)

val next_ab_tag = ref 0

fun hashFun(code:int,tag:int) = Basic.hashPair(code,tag)

fun equalityFun((code1,tag1),(code2,tag2)) = code1 = code2 andalso tag1 = tag2

val memoization_table: ((int * int),bool) HashTable.hash_table = HashTable.mkTable(hashFun, equalityFun) (3467,AssumptionBase)

val count = ref 0

val inc = Basic.incAndReturn

structure Table = IntMapTable(type key = int
fun getInt(n) = n)

datatype assum_base = abase of {prop_table: prop,tag:int}

fun getTag(abase({tag,...})) = tag

val empty_prop_table: prop = IntBinaryMap.empty

val empty_ab = abase {prop_table=empty_prop_table,tag=0}

val assertions = ref(empty_prop_table)

fun remove(ab as (abase {prop_table,tag,...}),P) =
let val code = getPropCode(P)
val (m,_) = (IntBinaryMap.remove(prop_table,code)) handle _ => (prop_table,P)

fun addAssertion(p,abase({prop_table,tag,...}):assum_base) =
let val _ = (case (HashTable.find hashtable p) of
SOME (i,_) => (HashTable.insert hashtable (p,(i,true)))
| _ => let val i = !next_code
val _ = next_code := !next_code + 1
((HashTable.insert hashtable (p,(i,true)));

fun addAssertions(props,beta:assum_base) =
let fun loop([],res) = res
| loop(a::more,res) = loop(more,addAssertion(a,res))
in loop(props,beta) end

fun isAssertion(p,abase({prop_table,...}):assum_base) =
(case IntBinaryMap.find(prop_table,getPropCode(p)) of
NONE => false
| _ => (case (HashTable.find hashtable p) of
SOME (_,b) => b
| _ => false))

fun isAssertionAlt(p) =
(case (HashTable.find hashtable p) of
SOME (_,b) => b
| _ => false)

fun getAssertions(abase({prop_table,...}):assum_base) =
List.filter isAssertionAlt (IntBinaryMap.listItems prop_table)

fun isMember(P,ab as abase({prop_table,...}): assum_base) =
let val code = getPropCode(P)
(case IntBinaryMap.find(prop_table,code) of
NONE => false
| _ => true)

fun adjustHT(ab) =
let val _ = HashTable.filteri (fn (p,_) => isMember(p,ab)) hashtable
no_adjustments_yet := false

val adjustment_size_trigger_1 = 1000000
val adjustment_size_trigger_2 = 2000000

fun adjustHashTable(ab:assum_base as abase({prop_table,...})) =
let val hash_table_count = HashTable.numItems(hashtable)
val ab_count = Table.domainSize(prop_table)
val deciding_condition_1 = (hash_table_count > adjustment_size_trigger_1 andalso hash_table_count < adjustment_size_trigger_2
andalso hash_table_count > 7 * ab_count)
val deciding_condition_2 = (hash_table_count > adjustment_size_trigger_2
andalso hash_table_count >= 2 * ab_count)
if deciding_condition_1 orelse deciding_condition_2 then adjustHT(ab) else ()

fun isMemberMem(P,ab as abase({prop_table,tag,...}): assum_base) =
let val code = getPropCode(P)
(case (HashTable.find memoization_table (code,tag)) of
SOME(res) => res
| _ => (case IntBinaryMap.find(prop_table,code) of
NONE => let val res = false
val _ = HashTable.insert memoization_table ((code,tag),res)
| _ => let val res = true
val _ = HashTable.insert memoization_table ((code,tag),res)

fun areMembers(props,ab) = List.all (fn p => isMember(p,ab)) props

fun insertAux(P,ab as abase({prop_table,tag,...}): assum_base) =
let val _ =
val code = getPropCode(P)

fun insert(P,ab) = insertAux(P,ab)

fun augment(ab,props) = List.foldl insert ab props

fun getAll(ab as abase({prop_table,...}):assum_base) = IntBinaryMap.listItems(prop_table)

fun occursFree(v,ab) = List.exists (fn (P) => Prop.occursFree(v,P)) (getAll ab)

fun occursFreeUpToSubsorting(v,ab) = List.exists (fn (P) => Prop.occursFreeUpToSubsorting(v,P)) (getAll ab)

fun fetchAll(ab as abase({prop_table,...}):assum_base,test) =
IntBinaryMap.foldl (fn (P,accum) => if test(P) then P::accum else accum) [] prop_table

exception FetchResult of Prop.prop

fun fetch(ab as abase({prop_table,...}):assum_base,test) =
let fun f() = IntBinaryMap.foldl
(fn (P,accum) => if test(P) then raise FetchResult(P) else accum) [] prop_table;
(f();NONE) handle FetchResult(P) => SOME(P)

val top_assum_base = ref(empty_ab)



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