-Add support for Rimworld 1.3
-Fix massive performance issues (drop some useless cosmetic only patchs, drop of CompOversizedWeapon, many refactorisations, add caching layers, switch from Lists to HashSet,...)
-Fix issue preventing androids to use normal beds
-Add M8 mech (aka "walking SkyCloud core"), an M7 prototype with limited SkyCloud core and SkyMinds network habilities (10 minds can be stored in this M7, and it provide 3 skymind net slots)
-Add new assisting minds feature (>= 10 assisting minds generate +15% consciousness bonus, and +15% each 5 assisting minds, capped at +150%).
-Add the new scenario "Androids Apocalypse" (start with a damaged SkyCore M8 unit with 3 digitized minds survivors and 1 CERBERUS AI software)
-Add the new scenario "Rise of machines" (start with a unique T4)
-Assisting minds mood bonus now capped at 10
-Add settings to allow/disable androids from using hospital beds
-Switch from internal CompOversizedWeapon to Enable Oversized Weapons mod for M7 weapons rendering (dont forget to subscribe to this mod)
-Fix no power consummed by androids animals
-Fix massive lag issues happening sometimes with "android can eat living plants"
-Fix androids backstories issues (human getting androids backstory)
-Fix several Power++ bugs (no disconnection on LWPN destroy, error throwing, ...)
-Add ideology and Royalty DLC basic support (prevent several thoughts to impact basic/advanced androids)
-Fix Royalty Empire faction always enemy to androids factions
-Add ability to permute Royalty titles (surrogate control and permute feature, but preferable to use a T3+ for this)
-Controller of imprisoned surrogate can now be recruited (can fail), leading to disconnected surrogate but controller will join the base several times after
-Add ability for downed surrogates to re-equip dropped weapons (after solar-flare/hacking,...)
-Add ability to connect surrogate to free VX owner caravan member
-Fix RX lowSkyMindNet totally bugged and many issues (refactored)
-Fix surrogate issues on hacking
-Fix surrogate bed issue (bad thought for shared bed partner)
-Fix android animals cannot be healed by smithers
-Fix no more debuff to harvesting organs from VX0 surrogates
-Fix "temp hack" surrogates remain connected to player's SkyMind net
-Fix surrogate disconnect issue (controller disappear from listings sometimes)
-Fix bug allowing conscious pawn to control surrogate
-Simple minded trait no longer allow inspirations
-Balancing/remove the ability for temp-hacked androids to be overloaded (battery exploding)
-Add HAR compatibility 'isFlesh' to androids defs
-Fix random errors throwing on android generation (raid, caravan,...) linked to null parts
-Fix issue for 'androids are rare' settings forcing AncientSoldier pawnkind
-Fix man in black incident (fired when all pawn are in remote control mode or mind download)
-Add ability to force at once multiple androids to reload at reload station
-Fix error throwing on mind duplication
-Fix TX4I, TX2KI server points issue
-Fix impossible to recover a disconnected surrogate in caravan from a mind controller
-Change tending sound for androids
-Fix Skymind connection issue (cannot disable active connection)
-Add surrogate connection init penalty feature (balancing goal)
-Removed on health tab the replacement of medikits by nanokits for androids (performance impact and only comestic)
-Fix abstract BodyPartbase redefined by the mod in Items_BodyParts.xml
-Fix some typos in EN/FR translation
-Fix settings related to server points generation not saved
-Fix download mind from skycore to android issue (no disconnection of the downloaded mind)
-Surrogate reconnect button now automatically try to reconnect to Skymind disconnect pawn
-Change capping mood bonus from assisting minds to 10 (from where start the extra consciousness bonus)