--> Download IvanWin052.zip <--
- Enhanced scaling/stretching graphics using XBRZScale code!! (only in "zoom in (l)ook mode"...)
- New Mind worms!!
- Sound files from IVAN3D, plus other new sounds!! (utilizes more advanced config file syntax than before)
- UT vault added
- Headless ghosts
- Outlined graphics from IVAN3D
- Option to display the turn number on log messages
Tomb of Xinroch - now with MORE evil:
- Buffed both Xinrochs
- Buffed Xinroch's grave keeper
- Slightly better rewards for bosses
- One more vault for Catacombs
- Maze on ghost Xinroch's level made more interesting
- Tweaked dwarven gas chamber
- Added two hidden vaults to TX
- Added a small TX shop
- Plus other slight tweaks to TX
Changes to shields:
- Shields also give AV
- AV for shields displayed
- Shield strength modifiers adjusted
- Shield materials added
- New bugs added!!
- Zero!
See v051...v052 for a list of changes since 0.51