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Audius API Documentation

Getting started:

1. Install deps:

gem install bundler
bundle install
npm install

If you see issues with bundler/ffi, you can try running bundle update ffi as per

2. Start server

# Runs the server on localhost:4567 and watches for changes
npm run start

3. Generate docs

# Runs with all options, including updating the example responses from prod
# Uses http://dn1_web-server_1:5000/v1/swagger.json to pull the swagger.json
# and to generate the example responses by default
node ./swagger/index.js -f -e -rpo

# Shortcut of the above
npm run gen

# Don't refresh the example responses, but refresh the swagger.json from prod
node ./swagger/index.js -f -rpo

# Don't refresh the swagger, but refresh the example responses using a specific DN
# (assumes example parameters are already inserted - if they aren't, use -p)
node ./swagger/index.js -e

Note: To build and inspect the output of the actual website (eg to put on, run npm run build

Doc generation script options

The ./swagger/index.js script has customizable options that inform how it runs

node ./swagger/index.js -h
Usage: index [options]

  -e, --generate-examples <url>  Generate example documentation from the given discovery node (default: false)
  -f, --fetch-swagger <url>      Fetch the swagger.json from a DN (default: false)
  -r, --insert-responses         Whether to pre-process the schema to insert example responses (default: false)
  -p, --insert-parameters        Whether to pre-process the schema to insert example parameters (default: false)
  -o, --rename-operations        Whether to pre-process the schema to rename select operation IDs to more human-friendly titles (default: false)
  -v, --verbose                  Whether to run widdershins with vebose option set to true (default: false)
  -h, --help                     display help for command

Deploy (github pages):

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have generated the docs first!

> ./