Name: Victor Anderssén
Email: [email protected]
# This will start the frontend and backend in a single container
docker compose up
Navigate to http://localhost:8000 in your browser. Navigate to the shop.
Login with the following credentials:
Username: testuser1
Password: pass1
# From the git repository root dir:
# Create a python venv
# Backend
python -m venv plantasia-env
source plantasia-env/bin/activate
python -m ensurepip --upgrade
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python webshop/ migrate
# Frontend
cd webshop/webshop-frontend
npm install
npm run build
# From the git repository root dir
# Start the Django backend which is serving the compiled frontend
python webshop/ runserver --pythonpath=webshop --settings="webshop.settings"
pts | req nr. | req title | done |
4p | 1 | Site architecture (MANDATORY) | ✔️ |
3p | 2 | Browse (MANDATORY) | ✔️ |
2p | 3 | Create account (MANDATORY) | ✔️ |
2p | 4 | Login (MANDATORY) | ✔️ |
2p | 5 | Add item (MANDATORY) | ✔️ |
3p | 6 | Add to cart (MANDATORY) | ✔️ |
1p | 7 | Remove from cart (MANDATORY) | ✔️ |
6p | 8 | Pay (MANDATORY) | ✔️ |
2p | 9 | Automatic DB population | ✔️ |
3p | 10 | Search | partly done |
3p | 11 | Routing | ✔️ |
1p | 12 | Edit Account | ✔️ |
3p | 13 | Display inventory | ✔️ |
2p | 14 | Edit item | ✔️ |
pts | req nr. | req title | done |
1p | 15 | Responsive | ✔️ |
2p | 16 | Security | ✔️ |
1p | 17 | Usability | ✔️ |
pts | req nr. | req title | done |
0p | 18 | Backend (Mandatory) | ✔️ |
0p | 19 | Frontend (MANDATORY) | ✔️ |
0p | 20 | Browser (MANDATORY) | ✔️ |
0p | 21 | Project folder | ✔️ |
React SPA that serves the webshop for the fictional service "plantasia". At plantasia users can buy and sell flowers. Don't you just want to get rid of that old flower in the corner of your livingroom?
Or maby you want to bring some fresh CO2 eating friends into your home :)
- redux # state management
- redux-saga # business logic implemented through generator functions
- immer # better handling of nesting of redux state updates
- date-fns # de-facto datetime library, moment.js is old @Note(Victor): Opinionated subjective view
- react-router-dom # routing...
- tailwind # utility css classes as Lego™ bricks used to build the UI
This is the typical frontend setup that I have used on many projects with great success. There exists many ways to build a good frontend app, this is just one way.